
This was bound to happen somewhere in Asia and it has, in economically vibrant China. Picture this: on eight square kilometres of land facing the Great Wall of China, eleven villas and a country club designed by young Asian star architects and billed as an outdoor exhibition ...
For the past two years, the 'townhouse' concept has been a buzzword in mainland China. The intellectuals, the artists, and even the real estate developers are anxiously looking for their second home in the suburbs where the farmers' houses are built. The townhouse symbolizes a ...
Last Sunday, an auto show was held at the Commune by the Great Wall, which is located near the Shuiguan Great Wall. Four Audi cars were carefully arranged between the extraordinary villas of the Commune by the Great Wall--it was quite an event. Beautiful cars were set off by ...
Commune by the Great Wall Villa No. 3 Getting to Know Cui Kai's Work Cui Kai's work first came to my attention when I was browsing the online pictures of the Yifu Building and the office building of the Beijing Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press (FLTRP). Immediately I ...
Commune by the Great Wall Will Attend La Biennale di Venezia. Koolhaas' Prediction In the past 8 years, I paid almost no attention to Asian architecture except that of Japan. One thing, however, changed my perception and shifted my attention to Asia. In 1996, Rem Koolhaas, a ...
In the midst of scandals and quarrels Pan Shiyi builds strangely colorful houses with unique designs to match his eccentricities Among China`s innumerable real estate developers Pan Shiyi is second to none in two things: anti-mainstream ideas and controversy creation. When in ...
It takes a certain lifestyle to be able to discern the appeal of a new concept; it takes a certain unique voice to reject the monotonous or the hackneyed. At Guangzhou's Flower Garden Hotel, I met with Pan Shiyi in his hotel room. After changing into a wool suit, he faced the ...
One response to the wholesale demolition and reconstruction of Beijing is simply to flee the city for the countryside, where the air is still clean, space is still available and greenery still abounds. Unlike other Asian cities, where thickly settled city centers and urban sprawl ...
Although the Boao Forum for Asia brought with it an increase in investment in Boao, this hasn't led to an overheated investment climate. So far, only Jiang Xiaosong and Pan Shiyi have made large-scale investments in Boao. Pan said this situation indicates that Chinese investors ...
Ordinary housing consumers in China do not need to worry about the sizeable real estate price fluctuation caused by the recent renminbi appreciation. However, investors in luxurious housing or high-end commercial buildings will have to be cautious when making their investments ...
The Launching Ceremony for the Dispatch of the First Batch of Equipment of Central Asia Pipeline Project of the Pipeline Bureau organized by the China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau was held at the warehousing and transportation storage of China Petroleum Pipeline Material and ...
Kempinski has been invited to manage one of the world s most avant-garde boutique hotels, The Commune by the Great Wall near Beijing, China, starting 15 August 2005. Since October 2002, the eccentric boutique hotel cum architectural museum has been welcoming a select clientele to ...
BEIJING- SOHO China Ltd, one of China's major developers owned by Beijing tycoon Pan Shiyi, said it will withdraw from the residential property sector and turn to commercial projects. Pan, chairman and co-chief executive officer of SOHO China, said the company will stop building ...
From t'ai chi classes to Buddhist statues, cycle tours to new spas and luxury hotels...Tom Chesshyre picks a dozen fabulous holidays CHINA is the big story in world tourism, with the country regarded as one of the most exciting long-haul destinations by major tour operators. 1...
In the past month, American trade competitiveness against China has been a hot topic in the media. Mainland Chinese can make just about everything cheaper than the rest of the world, and the quality of their goods has improved significantly during the past decade. But price is ...
Two years after people began to hear about China's economic "soft landing," now it has finally come about. At least, the buzz word has materialized in the real estate industry, China's most important engine for domestic spending. Industry insiders and analysts have said the rise ...
Updated: 2006-03-09 06:17 My doctor friend last week told me she wanted to start a blog. "I want to speak out for doctors," she said. She explained that health workers are misrepresented by the media and voices like hers should be heard. A blog seems to be her solution. My friend ...
Updated: 2006-03-16 09:50 Mei Ting tried not to gloat when she was asked about what the cancellation of "Memoirs of a Geisha" had meant to her. "We did not know there would be a slot vacated at the last minute. We had chosen Valentine's Day to open our film because we couldn't ...
12 August 2005 Kempinski has been invited to manage one of the world s most avant-garde boutique hotels, The Commune by the Great Wall near Beijing, China, starting 15 August 2005. Since October 2002, the eccentric boutique hotel cum architectural museum has been welcoming a ...
Updated: 2006-03-05 17:03 A Beijing real estate tycoon uses his blog to post photos of his hometown. A Shanghai poet waxes lyrical about the beautiful weather for China's parliament session. Another less-serious writer describes bouts of drinking. China's government has tried to ...
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China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Policies of China's new leadership in the ...
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates confirmed on Wednesday that he is ...
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday slammed the remarks of ...
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
The Number One Document also proposed a new pricing plan for China's ...
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary ...
GM China chairman to retire
GM China chairman to retire
CHICAGO, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- General Motors Co. announced Friday that ...
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Sales of General Motors and its Chinese ventures accelerated in ...
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Shenzhen Municipal Intermediate People's Court has rejected a lawsuit ...
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli Sunday called for research in polar ...
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Two models stand beside golf equipment and bags at a recent golf ...
Yao's gift of sport for all
Yao's gift of sport for all
Chinese NBA player Yao Ming teaches a boy with special needs how to ...
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Some 14 countries and regions are expected to compete in the 45th ...