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An Exhibition of Homes, Cars and Beauties

An Exhibition of Homes, Cars and Beauties

Write: Kirilee [2011-05-20]
Last Sunday, an auto show was held at the Commune by the Great Wall, which is located near the Shuiguan Great Wall. Four Audi cars were carefully arranged between the extraordinary villas of the Commune by the Great Wall--it was quite an event. Beautiful cars were set off by beautiful villas; beautiful villas were complimented by beautiful cars; and beautiful women were also kept busy and in good spirits with models staging fashion shows in front of the villas and beside the cars and with female guests taking in the beautiful villas and beautiful cars while being looked at themselves. At last the meal was, of course, lovely too. Even though a bit crowded, the event was conducted with an air of refinement through and through.
Audi revealed that they were forced to rent back already-sold cars from their clients for the exhibition; and Pan Shiyi has announced that the Commune by the Great Wall is going to attend the exhibition at La Biennale di Venezia this year. How far they've come. Once upon a time, both the real estate and automobile industries were plagued by not being 'pillar' industries. Attempts at cooperation across the two industries have been made in the past. The challenge was how to get into the consumers' pockets. It is a rather simple issue now, and having found a common vision they are now all the more able to exhibit their respective class and appeal.
But this is by no means a simple exhibition. The cars and villas are simply the first links in a long 'food chain': of course there are the beautiful women who, as an index for the industry's rate of return, must be on display; and then there are the luxury coaches that were used to transport guests and visitors, the juicers, the sound technicians, the musicians playing zithers and flutes, the gourmet chefs and waitstaff from sponsor hotels, the cigar vendors... all played their part in the success of this exhibition.