On January18th, ICE Canadian Winnipeg Commodity Exchange rapeseed futures market closed up, main because end-users and speculators do more, to support the price.
Officially the law means the end for our business. Kees Goossens is worried about the new Indonesian horticulture law. He is a horticulturist through and through and prefers to be busy growing strawberries rather than with dry legal articles, as per RNW.nl
Optimism is growing within the potato industry that new markets may be opening up for Island potatoes. The Summerside Port Corporation Inc. is working to bring back potato shipping from the Summerside Wharf as a major contributor to the local economy. One ship just left ...
On January 19th, Malaysia Derivatives Exchange (BMD) crude palm oil market closed rose, main due to other agricultural product markets soaring, exports may increase, short-covering activity.
On January 19th, ICE Canadian Winnipeg Commodity Exchange rapeseed futures market closed up, main due to commercial companies and speculators to do more in the market, to promote rapeseed hitting a new contract high.
On January 19th, Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soybean market closed up, main due to the arbitrage active that buying soybean oil and selling soybean meal.
On January 20th, Chicago Broad of Trade (CBOT) corn market closed up, twist the decline in the morning quotation, due to corn futures market strong and market worry about supply.
The UK apple market is not as strong as normal for this time of year, before Christmas it was relatively buoyant. The most popular varieties at the moment seem to be bi-coloured varieties such as Gala. Traditionally Golden Delicious has been the popular variety in the UK, but ...
On January 20th, Chicago Broad of Trade (CBOT) corn market closed up, due to corn users worry about supply shortage and think it is a chance to do morn that corn price declined in the morning quotation.
On January 20th, U.S. Midwest areas soybean spot basis bids steady with some decline, main due to spot supply adequate and demand is limited. Brokers said that soybean spot trading very light on January 20th. End-users continue to wait and see and the market still digesting the ...