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Emergency Plan Rehearsed by BOC Branches at Olympic Cities

Emergency Plan Rehearsed by BOC Branches at Olympic Cities

Write: Spica [2011-05-20]

On June 28th, as organized by Olympic Affairs Office and Personal Banking Department, BOC branches at Olympic co-hosting cities rehearsed emergency plan for Olympic financial services in the areas of deposit & withdrawal, travelers check, personal foreign exchange settlement, international remittance and bankcard withdrawal at counters, etc. Altogether 114 outlets and 35 key merchants at the six branches joined the rehearsal, which simulated the scenes to launch emergency plan in case of data center breakdown.

Mr. Yue Yi, global head of Personal Banking Sector hosted the launch ceremony and made overall arrangement. He said, To stage a high standard Olympic Games is a great event for the Chinese Nation and the requirement of the Party and government. As an important part of Olympic preparation work, Olympic financial service is concerned with social stability, financial security, nation image and international prestige.

Therefore well-planned emergency rehearsal is a crucial means to enhance our ability to prevent and handle contingency, as well as a guarantee for perfectly safe financial service during the Games.

After the ceremony, Mr. Yue Yi, President Dong Jianyue of Beijing Branch and persons-in-chief of relevant departments from the head office inspected the rehearsal at BOC Tower Sub-branch.