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ICBC Named "2010 Excellent SME Service Organization"

ICBC Named "2010 Excellent SME Service Organization"

Write: Dysis [2011-05-20]

At the 2010 International Excellent Service Providers for the SME Forum hosted by China Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (CASME) in collaboration with The People's Government of DaLian on October 31, 2010, ICBC was named "2010 Excellent SME Service Organization".

"2010 Excellent SME Service Organizations" Awards are jointly presented by CASME and the organizing committee of the International Excellent Service Providers for the SME Forum. More than 100 SME service organizations participated in this year's competition. The winners are chosen by online votes from small and mid-sized enterprises and a panel of expert judges. ICBC comes out among the 8 finalists under the banking category.

As a long term strategy related, ICBC has been focused on the delivery of financial services to small enterprises and supported their growth over the past few years. To a large-scale commercial bank as ICBC, this is part of the Bank's social responsibility efforts as it helps the economy and society to move forward and provides job opportunities.

It is also an important move for ICBC to adjust its own credit structure, nurture new growth pole and achieve sustainable development. During the first nine months of this year, ICBC loans to small businesses proceeded at an impressive pace with balance rising by 37.4%, or RMB 116.2 billion from the beginning of the year, to RMB 427 billion at the end of September.