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A chemical plant exploded in Lanzhou Petrochemical

A chemical plant exploded in Lanzhou Petrochemical

Write: Montano [2011-05-20]
Five people were missing and six were injured on January 7 after a naphtha oil-tank farm exploded at around 5:30 p.m. at CNPC's Lanzhou Petrochemical Company in Gansu Province.
The injured and missing are all employees of Lanzhou Petrochemical. The plant was 30 km away from downtown. Residential buildings near the plant were not affected. At present, the fire is under control. Field monitoring show that there is no toxic gas escaped from the facilities. All the water used for firefighting has been collected for treatment.
Preliminary analysis said that the blast was triggered by static electricity of flammable gas which had leaked from a pyrolysis C4 tank and concentrated to a certain extent.
After the accident happened, fire fighting and rescue work was deployed immediately. CNPC Vice President Liao Yongyuan and related experts headed for the scene in the evening to organize relevant relief and protection measures.
Early this morning, CNPC sent an urgent message throughout the group, notifying the accident and urging further strengthening HSE effort.