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French Minister of Higher Education and Research Visits IPS

French Minister of Higher Education and Research Visits IPS

Write: Kaushal [2011-05-20]

Mrs. Val rie P cresse, French Minister of Higher Education and Research visited Institut Pasteur of Shanghai (IPS) on July 6.

On a brief introduction of IPS, Prof. SUN Bing, co-director presented IPS s mission, research focuses and achievements. IPS conducts basic research in combining virology and immunology on viral hepatitis (HBV, HCV), respiratory viruses (Influenza, Common cold, etc), HIV/AIDS, Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (EV71), so as to create solutions for a better public health. Prof. SUN introduced IPS s efforts on translational research driven by centers dedicated to specific areas, the Pathogen Diagnostic Center and Vaccine Development Center.

Mrs. P cresse paid a visit to the Pathogen Diagnostic Center. Dr. WANG Wei, presented the work flow of the Center and its cooperation with China CDCs, hospitals as well as the Pasteur Network.

Mrs. Valerie Pecresse expressed her wish to IPS to contribute to the development of new diagnostic tools, new drugs and new vaccines in the spirit of Louis Pasteur s humanism.

French Minister of Higher Education and Research Visits IPS

Prof. SUN Bing, Co-Director presents IPS s mission, research focuses and achievements of IPS
to the delegation (photo by IPS)

French Minister of Higher Education and Research Visits IPS

Dr. WANG Wei presents the work flow of PDC and its cooperation at home and abroad
to the delegation (photo by IPS)