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Catalogue of Investment Projects Authorized by the Government

Catalogue of Investment Projects Authorized by the Government

Write: Sharnie [2011-05-20]
Brief introduction:
(I) Projects listed in this Catalogue refer to major and restricted fixed-asset investment projects invested by companies and not supported by government funds.
(II) Non-government funded projects invested by companies that are neither covered in the Catalogue nor prohibited by national laws and regulations or the rules set out by the State Council shall be put on record
(III) The examination or approval of the projects specially stated in national laws and regulations and the rules set out by the State Council shall be regulated as such.
(IV) This Catalogue sets out requirements for the approval authority of the government; and
1. The projects that require the "approval of the investment authority of the State Council" are approved by the investment authority of the State Council and trade authorities. Of them, major projects shall be reported to the State Council for approval.
2. The projects that require the "approval of the investment departments of local governments" are approved by the investment departments of the local governments and the same-level trade authorities. Provincial governments can specify the investment authority limits for local governments at different levels according to local situations and the nature of related projects. But for the projects that "must be approved by provincial investment departments" as required by Catalogue, the approval authority is not allowed to be given to lower authorities.
3. Special authorization can be given to extra-large enterprise investment for decision-making power to promote economic development and meet the needs of different industries.
(V) This Catalogue is the 2005 version and adjustments will be made as the situation changes.
I. Agriculture, forestry and water conservancy
Agriculture: The investment department of the provincial government has the right to authorize projects related to reclamation.
Reservoirs: International and trans-provincial (regional and municipal) rivers are under the jurisdiction of the investment department of the State Council, while other projects are under the authority of investment departments of the local governments.
Other water works: The investment department of the State Council is in charge of approving the water resource allocation/adjustment projects of international rivers and trans-provincial (regional and municipal) rivers that need the coordination of the Central Government.
II. Energy
(I) Electricity
Hydro-electric power stations: Each project with a total installing capacity of 250,000 kW or more on major rivers is subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while other projects are subject to the approval of the investment departments of local governments.
Pumped storage power stations are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
Thermal power stations are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
Heat and power stations: Coal-power stations are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while other projects are subject to the investment departments of local governments.
Each wind power station with a total installing capacity of 50,000 kW or more is subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of the investment departments of local governments.
Nuclear power stations are subject to the approval of the State Council.
Power grid projects with 330 kV or more are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of the investment departments of local governments.
(II) Coal
Coal mines: Coal mines within State planned mine areas are under the jurisdiction of the investment authority of the State Council while other ordinary coal mines are under the authority of investment departments of local governments.
Coal liquefaction: Projects with a yearly yield of 500,000 tons and above are handled by the investment department of the State Council. Investment departments of local governments manage the other projects.
(III) Petroleum and natural gas
Crude oil: The investment authority of the State Council is responsible for approving new oil fields with a yearly output of one million tons or above. Other projects are decided by companies authorized to exploit oil fields and reported to the State Council for record.
Natural gas: The investment authority of the State Council is responsible for approving new natural gas fields with a yearly output of two billion cubic meters or above. Other projects are decided by companies authorized to exploit natural gas fields and reported to the State Council for record.
Liquefied petroleum gas terminals and storage facilities (excluding projects auxiliary to oil and gas fields and refineries) are subject to the approval of the investment authority of provincial governments.
Imported liquefied natural gas terminals and storage facilities are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
National crude oil storage facilities are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council
Oil pipe networks (excluding oil field concentration and transport networks): trans-provincial (regional and municipal) trunk lines are subject to the approval of investment authority of the State Council.
Gas transport networks (excluding oil field concentration and transport networks): Trans-provincial (regional and municipal) projects or those with a yearly transport volume of 500 million cubic meters or above are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while others are in the jurisdiction of the investment departments of provincial governments.
III. Transportation
(I) Railroads
Newly-built railroads (including newly added ones): Trans-provincial (regional and municipal) railroads or those of 100 kilometers or longer are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of the trade authorities of the State Council or provincial government investment departments according to the affiliation of the railroads.
(II) Highways
Highways: National trunk highways, trunk highways in western China, national expressway network and trans-provincial projects are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of provincial government investment departments.
Independent highways and tunnels: trans-border, trans-bay and trans-rivers (navigable segments) are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of the investment departments of local governments.
(III) Water transportation
Exclusive berths for coal, mineral, oil and gas: Newly-built harbors and projects each with two million tons of cargo yearly or above are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of provincial government investment departments.
Exclusive harbors for containers are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
Inland water transportation: Buildings of 1,000-ton and above vessels are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of local government investment departments.
(IV) Civil aviation
Newly-built airports are subject to the approval of the State Council.
Airport extension projects each with a total investment of 1 billion yuan and above are under the control of the investment department of the State Council. Other projects fall under the authority of the industrial department of the State Council or investment departments of local governments.
The investment department of the State Council and related military departments will manage extensions of military-civil airports.
IV. Information industry
Telecommunications: Domestic trunk lines (including radio and TV networks), international telecom transmission networks, international gateway stations, international telecom facilities for exclusive telecom networks and other information security sensitive telecom infrastructure are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
Postal services: International gateways and other postal infrastructure projects related to information security fall under the authority of the investment department of the State Council.
Electronic and information technology (IT) products: Satellite TV receivers and key components, mobile communications systems and terminals governed by special national regulations are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
V. Raw materials
Iron and steel: Iron ore exploitation projects each with a detected reserve of 50 million tons and above as well as iron-smelting, steel-smelting and steel rolling projects with increased productivity are handled by the investment department of the State Council. Other iron ore exploitation projects fall under the authority of the investment departments of provincial governments.
Non-ferrous metals: Newly-added electrolytic aluminum projects, newly-built alumina projects and mine development projects with an investment of 500 million yuan or above are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of the investment departments of provincial government.
Petrochemicals: Newly-built or added refineries and ethylene projects each with an increased capacity of more than 200,000 tons a year are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
Chemical raw materials: Newly-built PTA, PX, MDI, TDI projects, and transformed PTA and PX projects each with a yearly capacity of more than 100,000 tons are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
Chemical fertilizers: Potassium ore fertilizer projects each with a yearly output of 500,00 tons or above are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council while phosphate ore fertilizer projects and other potassium ore fertilizer projects are subject to the approvals of the investment departments of local governments.
Cement: Provincial government investment departments are responsible for approving cement projects except for those prohibited.
Rare earth: Mine exploration, metallurgy projects and rare earth deep-processing projects each with an investment of 100 million yuan or above are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council while other rare earth deep-processing projects are subject to the approvals of provincial government investment departments.
Gold: Gold projects each with a daily ore extraction of 500 tons or above are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council while others are subject to the approval of provincial government investment departments.
VI. Machinery manufacturing
Automobiles: It is implemented according to special regulations approved by the State Council.
Ships: Newly-built shipbuilding facilities (ship platforms and docks) and projects for civil-use medium- and low-speed diesel motors are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
Urban rail transportation: The projects for manufacturing rail coaches, signal systems and traction systems are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
VII. Light industry and tobacco
Pulp: Pulp projects each with a yearly capacity of 100,000 tons or above are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council. Pulp projects each with a yearly capacity from 34,000 tons (inclusive) to 100,000 tons (exclusive) are subject to the approval of provincial government investment departments. Other projects are prohibited.
Denatured fuel ethanol projects are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
Polyester: Projects each with a daily production of 300 tons and above fall under the authority of the investment department of the State Council.
Salt: Related projects are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
Sugar: Sugar projects each with a daily processing capacity of 1,500 tons or above are subject to the approval of provincial government investment departments. Other sugar projects are prohibited.
Tobacco: Cigarettes, diacetate fibers for tobacco and bundles are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
VIII. New and high technology
Civil aviation and space flight: The projects for manufacturing civil planes (including helicopters), civil satellites, and civil earth stations for remote sensing satellites are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
IX. Urban Construction
Urban fast rail transportation projects are subject to the approval of the State Council.
Urban water supply: Projects with a trans-provincial (regional and municipal) water diversion volume of 500,000 tons and above fall under the control of the investment department of the State Council. Investment departments of local governments handle other water supply projects.
Urban roads and bridges: Bridges and tunnels that cross major rivers and bays are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
Other urban construction projects are subject to the approval of the investment departments of local governments.
X. Social undertakings
Education, health, culture and broadcast: University towns, medical towns and other park-type construction projects are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
Tourism: Tourist development projects and resource protection facilities each with a total investment of 50 million yuan or above in key national scenic and famous spots, national nature reserves and areas for key national cultural heritage are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council. Projects each with a total investment of 30 million yuan and above in world nature and culture reserves are also subject to the approvals of the investment authority of the State Council.
Sports: F1 racing tracks are subject to the approval of the investment authority of the State Council.
Recreation: Large theme parks are subject to the approval of the State Council.
Other social undertakings are subject to the approval of the responsible departments of the State Council or local government investment departments.
XI. Finance
Paper money printing, coinage and banknote papers are subject to the approval of the investment department of the State Council.
XII. Foreign investment
For foreign-invested projects encouraged or permitted according to the Foreign-Invested Industry Guidance Catalogue, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has the right to authorize any project with a total investment of over US$100 million.
Restricted projects each with a total investment (or an investment increase) of USS$50 million or above, as specified in the Foreign-Invested Industry Guidance Catalogue, are subject to the approvals of NDRC.
The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) is responsible for approving the establishment of, and changes to, foreign-funded enterprises involving nationwide limits, investment restrictions, quotas or licenses, major changes (capital increases or decreases, share transfer and mergers) that are specially regulated by the contracts, association articles and laws that govern large foreign-funded projects.
Any other project is subject to the approval of local government investment departments in accordance with laws and regulations.
XIII. Investment abroad
Chinese overseas investment projects related to resource exploitation that have an investment of US$30 million and above are authorized by NDRC.
Non-resource projects overseas involving US$10 million and above in foreign exchange are authorized by the NDRC.
For other overseas investment projects, the investment projects managed by central enterprises should be reported to the NDRC and Ministry of Commerce for record. Other investment projects are subject to the approval of the investment departments of local governments in accordance with related laws and regulations.