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Half of Population in Guangzhou A Floating Population

Half of Population in Guangzhou A Floating Population

Write: Lindley [2011-05-20]

On March 30, a seminar themed around 'Innovation of the management and service for the floating population in Guangzhou', was held in the Nansha District by the Guangzhou Floating Population Service Management Office.

According to an informed source, the registered floating population in Guangzhou has reached 7.26 million, which is close to the same level as that of the permanent resident population.

Up to the end of February 2011, the latest statistics revealed that the registered floating population in Guangzhou was 7.26 million, which closely approximnates the 7.9 million permanent resident population of Guangzhou. Presently, the rental housing management personnel, which administers and attends to the floating population in Guangzhou is 13,000 regular employees..

(Translated by Guangzhou Association of Foreign Affairs Translators)