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The second lesson: lacking sleep bring harm to us

The second lesson: lacking sleep bring harm to us

Write: Alarbus [2011-05-20]
World Sleep Day , Health Small Teacher form Sanjing Pharmaceutical take you into big classroom about health sleep.
The second lesson: lacking sleep bring harm to us
Mighty data and abundant scientific proof tell us, sleep Disorders is the biggest enemy which have harmed our health.
According to the report of WHO: American sleepless rate as high as 32%-50%; England 10%-14%; France 30%, China more than 30% too.
The harm of insomnia:
The attention can not be sufficiently concentrated and the responsive abilities decrease in normal time, and various kinds accidents will be easily led to if these occur to the driver, and the accidental rate will increase if these occur to the operators.
It can affect the mood of people, which give rise to over sensitivity and bad temper and others.
Psychological effects, lead to introversion, poor abilities in social communication and others.
Frequent wakefulness is also the reason for senile dementia.
Wakefulness accelerates the aging process of people.
It can induce other diseases, such as depressive disorder, mental illness, or even serious inclination of committing suicide.
Painful lessons!!!
Do not forget the painful lessons of history, nuclear leakage accident takes place at the Three Mile Island of USA, explosion accident of Chernobyl nuclear power plant takes place in former Soviet Union and explosion of Challenger shuttle of USA, all of these nightmares of mankind are related to wakefulness or sleep insufficiency of the operators.
It is reported that people who always have sleep less than 7 hours or more than 8 hours have high probability of death
You can see the harm about insomnia clearly.