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The company has held 2006 shareholders' meeting

The company has held 2006 shareholders' meeting

Write: Chalmers [2011-05-20]

On April 20, 2007, the company has held 2006 shareholders' meeting in the first floor meeting room. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Li ShunAn, Chairman of the company, and 4 shareholders representatives attended the meeting who represented 170,428,400 shares, accounting for 47.34% of the total number of shares.

The meeting have reviewed Report of Board of Directors of 2006 , Report of Board of Supervisors of 2006 , 2006 Annual Reports and Summaries , 2006 Financial Final Report and other proposals submitted. All of the proposals have been passed.

At the meeting, the Chairman and other manager have answered the questions from the shareholder.After the meeting, the representatives of shareholders have visited the plant and have understood the new products such as the fence, 83 series etc.

The company has held    2006 shareholders' meeting