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Neusoft OpenBASE Climbs to the Top of Homemade DBMS Once Again

Neusoft OpenBASE Climbs to the Top of Homemade DBMS Once Again

Write: Griffin [2011-05-20]

In June, 2003 ,a good news comes from the National Science Ministry Neusoft OpenBASE ranks first in the testing for Homemade Database Management System(shorted for DBMS), which was sponsored by National Science Ministry. Austerely, intensively and diffusely, the testing last almost one and a half month and created a new history of software development for the homemade system,which indicates that OpenBASE is the best DBMS in China.

In 2002, the first testing for homemade DBMS was successfully celebrated. Soon after, the National Science Ministry and China Software Testing and Evaluation Center(shorted for CSTC) commenced preparing 2003 testing for homemade DBMS products and entrusted CSTC with this activity.

On March 31st, 2003, at the introduction meeting of 2003 Testing for Homemade DBMS, the CSTC issued a Notice of 2003 Testing for Homemade DBMS.Then there was a close testing for DBMS products coming from three manufacturers, including Neusoft OpenBASE , and it last one month. The whole testing activity was carried out under the supervision of the Software Testing Supervision Committee of National Science Ministry.

This testing was carried out strictly according as the compendium of testing for homemade DBMS .It consists of test for function confirmation, test for standard coherence, test for system performance and test for integral application. The test for standard coherence wasdivided into three parts---SQL, ODBC and JDBC. The 2003 testing has improved on both the content and the testing method compared with that of last year.

The results of the testing indicates that OpenBASE has got a better score in all functional testing than other products, and its overall score ranks first among the three products.