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Yutong Bus Releases Output and Sales Data of Sep.2009

Yutong Bus Releases Output and Sales Data of Sep.2009

Write: Phillips [2011-05-20]
Yutong Bus Releases Output and Sales Data of Sep.2009 Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd releases its output and sales data of Sep. 2009
Sep.2009(unit) Jan-Sep.2009(unit) Compared with the same period of 2008(Total %)
Output 3412 19084 -4.23
Large Bus 1394 7470 -12.58
Medium Bus 1735 9215 3.34
Light Bus 283 2399 -2.64
Sales 3371 18835 -7.34
Large Bus 1348 7298 -16.78
Medium Bus 1760 9086 -0.21
Light Bus 263 2451 0.00

Note: This table as the Express data, the final report should base on the company s regular report.