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CFHI Independently Innovated and Realized the World Leading Dream

CFHI Independently Innovated and Realized the World Leading Dream

Write: Atarah [2011-05-20]

CFHI actively promoted technological research and development, and overcame lots of difficulties in design and manufacture, which improved our technical level of the large-scale pressure vessel products, and realized leaping development of leading world in manufacturing hydrogenation reactor, etc. At present, CFHI has already become the largest supplier of forge welding hydrogenation reactor in China with the domestic market share more than 90%, fitting up most oil refineries such as Petro-China, SINOPEC and CNOOC, which satisfied the strong demands of petrochemical industries for such products.

Its products are also exported to Sudan, Iran, India, etc.

CFHI mastered some production technologies with the world leading level in short time by tackling key problems and cooperative production. In 1988, CFHI manufactured one 21/4Cr-1Mo forge welding hydrocracking reactor cooperative with Japan Steel Work for Qilu Shengli Oil Refinery under the supports from the relevant nation departments. CFHI accelerated the course of localization of hot-wall hydrogenation reactor through digestion and absorption in hot-wall hydrogenation reactor technology adopted by Japan Steel Work in this project.

In 1997, CFHI, walking in the front row of producing hydrogenation reactor in China signed a contract that manufacturing 2 sets of thousand-ton hydrogenation reactors with Qilu Petrochemical Company.

These two reactors were successfully developed, which restricted the import price of reactor, meanwhile, improved the CFHI competitive abilities in the international market and promoted the upgrade and update of oil refinery equipment used to petrochemical industry.

It is often said in CFHI that, the first domestic hot-wall hydrogenation reactor manufactured in 1989 was called the first leap, development of site welding technology was the second leap, and successful development of thousand-ton hot-wall hydrogenation reactor was the third leap. Although CFHI experienced three leaps, independent innovation never stopped.

In process of being used, some deficiencies in material of Generation hydrogenation reactor were found. For this reason, Japan, European countries and the United States successively developed new materials. CFHI researched and developed Generation material in the year of 1998 and successfully continued to develop Generation material in October 2000 under the helps of the State Development and Reform Commission, Petro-China and other relevant departments.

Two successive development and application of new material made CFHI realized the forth leap of hydrogenation reactor, which not only filled the gap of domestic technology, but also kept the same level as those made by the foreign advanced countries in the aspect of hydrogenation reactor technology.

In January 2003, CFHI won the contract overcoming the powerful foreign competitors and undertook the order of two coal liquefaction hydrogenation reactors with per unit weight of 2044ton for Shenhua Group. This is the heaviest hydrogenation reactor in per unit weight all over the world at present. Through three years, in May 2006, finally, CFHI successfully development the largest coal liquefaction hydrogenation reactor in the world, which created a rare wonder of the world. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council went to site personally for inspection and gave high appraisal.

CFHI manufactured the first 30MW reactor pressure vessel in China for Pakistan Chashma Nuclear Power Station, and provided all forgings used to nuclear island. CFHI also supplied 65MW nuclear reactor pressure vessel as well as pressurizer and its forging for Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Phase , undertook the first 6.

5MW fast neutron breeder reactor pressure vessel and cock and undertook the first 1000MW unit project in China Dalian Hong Yanhe 1000MW nuclear reactor pressure vessel. Recently, CFHI leaded to undertake the manufacture task of complete sets of forgings used to Generation AP1000 Unit, which marks CFHI technology of main equipment of nuclear island primary loop has already reached international advanced level.

Furthermore, CFHI becomes unique supplier of forgings used to Generation advanced type PWR nuclear power plant, taking the leading in possession of the Nation Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Manufacture License, ASME U Symbol Stamp, RCCM Attestation and ASME N NPT Attestation to be got in the future. CFHI has already been possessed of supply abilities of lot production of nuclear reactor pressure vessel and forgings used to nuclear power products.