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CPC CFHI held the 11th Representatives Congress

CPC CFHI held the 11th Representatives Congress

Write: Snorre [2011-05-20]
On 9th of September 2006, CPC CFHI held the 11th Representatives Congress in the Conference Center of CFHI.

At 8 am, the Congress started with the national anthem. The leaders from higher authorities, who participated in the Congress, are Comrade Xia Jianhua(from the 5th Bureau of CPC Central Comrade Gao Feng(from the 1st Bureau of SASAC), Comrade Xia Jie(from CPC Heilongjiang provincial Organization Department), ComradeLi Zhongjiang(from the Party Construction Department f Heilongjiang Provincial SASAC, Comrade Xing Yuguo(representative of Navy Equipments Department at Qiqihar City); also the leaders from higher authorities, they are Comrade Xia Bangwu (Organization Bureu, CPC Central Organization Department), Comrade Shen Guanghua(from the Instruction Division, Comrade Xie Wuhua(from 3rd Division, Organization Department of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee); as well as the Presidium from CFHI Group, Comrade Zhao Lixin, Comrade Wu Shengfu, Comrade Li Ziling, Comrade Cai Lianzhong, Comrade Zhang Zhenrong, Comrade Liu Dengyun, Comrade Make, Comrade Wu Xiaogen and Comrade Sun Xianhua etc.

There are 233 official representatives and nonvoting delegates, representatives of retired employees, representatives from Democratic Parties; nonpartisans participated in the opening ceremony of the Congress.

The opening ceremony was presided by the executive chairman Comrade Wu Shengfu.

Comrade Li Ziling addressed an opening speech. He said that, the primary mission of this Congress is to fulfill the scientific development view, correctly implement the Party s line, principles and policies, systematically summarize the work since the 10th Representatives Congress, discuss and formulate the guiding ideology Of the future 4 years Party construction and ideological and political work in CFHI.