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CFHI celebrated the 85 birthday of CPC and held the commending conference

CFHI celebrated the 85 birthday of CPC and held the commending conference

Write: Ray [2011-05-20]
On the morning of 29th June, CFHI celebrated the 85 birthday of CPC and held the commending conference for working competition in the conference center. CFHI Secretary of CPC Mr. Zhao Lixin addressed the speech in the meeting. President of CFHI Mr. Wu Shengfu announced the commending decisions. Company leaders Mr. Liu Dengyun, Sun Xianhua, Wu Xiaogen and representative of China Navy in Qiqihar were present in the meeting. Meantime, part of the responsible managers from each departments and part of the CPC members attended the meeting.

The conference was presided by Secretary of Discipline Committee and the Chairman of the Labor Union Mr. Liu Dengyun.

Zhao Lixin pointed out, that we shall strengthen the construction of company CPC organization, fully play the role of her political core and pioneer paragon and maintain the progressiveness of the Party, as well as enhance the propaganda and ideological and political work of the Party, promote the development and management of CFHI.

Wu Shengfu announced the commending decision of advanced Party divisions and the members of CFHI CPC Committee.

During the conference, Company leaders award the diplomas and certifications to the advanced Party divisions, Party branches, Party members and Party leaders, who win the honor from Centeral Enterprises, Provincial SASAC and CFHI.