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TBEA Xinjiang Cable Co., Ltd. Won the Tender for the Extensio..

TBEA Xinjiang Cable Co., Ltd. Won the Tender for the Extensio..

Write: Ivanna [2011-05-20]

On 11th Oct. 2005 TBEA Xinjiang Cable Co., Ltd. Received the formal award of contract from the International Bidding Co., Ltd. TBEA Xinjiang Cable Co., Ltd. has won the cable lot of the tender belong to Northern Hebei Region Power Network Co., Ltd. 35kV and Below City Distribution Network Construction and Extension and the Value of the lot is 7.12 million RMB.
To be a candidate of the tender is quite strict and the Complicated procedure the high level technical requirement and the critical evaluation and the competitive candidates all contributes to the difficulty to win the tender. However this Became another victory won by TBEA xinjiang Cable Co., Ltd.after winning the 750 kV Transmission line from Guanting, Qinghai Province to East Lanzhou Province, part of the 750 kV Transmission and Transformation Model Project.