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Write: Daren [2011-05-20]

At 14:28 on May 12th, 2008, occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan province the eight magnitude earthquake. The disaster is an order, time is the life, facing a serious situation, TBEA immediately made the meticulous research and arrangement, took earthquake relief as the primary task at present to be together with the people of disaster areas without any abandons.

On the one hand, personnel of TBEA actively donated to the people of disaster area by money and materials; majority of party members give full play to the exemplary vanguard role to pay a special party member fee amounted to more than 270,000 Yuan; TBEA Real Estate company also contributed 128,000 Yuan to the hoping elementary schools in the epicenter areas.

TBEA s party secretary Wei Yugui said with the most plain words: "Sichuan Wenchuan major earthquake disaster has took away the people's lives and property were suffered a great loss, although the disaster areas is over thousands kilometers away from Xinjiang, but our heart and soul are linked to the all victims.

We have to uphold the when disaster struck, help came frrom all sides , we have to help them tide over their difficulties,on the other hand, TBEA has to repair the damaged power transformers and delivery the brightness to the all victims in the disaster areas. On the second day of the earthquake, TBEA had setted up and organized emergency response teams and provided a 24-hour telephone service to the epicenter areas.

Mr. Zhang Xin, the company chairman personally head the rescue teams to implement the earthquake relief works, guided the reparation works of the power transmission and distribution equipments; Disaster relief team from TBEA Xinjiang transformer work and TBEA Shenyang transformer group departed for areas hit by earthquake at night immediately after reception of order, they were heavily engaged in repairation of power apparatus around the clock.

On May 28th TBEA shengyang transformer group was awarded honor flag in writing of relievie disaster, love last forever by Leshan Power Supply Bureau, Sichuan Province.

Moreover, TBEA Deyang Wire&Cable company mobilized hundred of volunteers in six relief units the moment being informed that many other areas were suffered far more, though they have already suffered loss from earthquake, those volunteers transferred injured people,medicine, relief materials in hospitals and ruins at the risks of collapse again.

an old woman from Hanwan town whose family died from earthquake said in tear, You act as Liberation Army soldier, though you aren t, thank you very much, I will not forget you all my lifetime . On May 14th TBEA took responsibilities of accommodation and diets for thousand of employee from Hanwang branch on initiatives, Dong Fang Steam Turbine Co, under Dongfang Electric, setted up 400m long tenant for them.

TBEA Party secretary, vice-chairman of Labor Union paid a visit to employee families of Deyang Wire&Cable company and Dong Fang Steam Turbine Co, subsidiary of Dongfang Electric.

When disaster struck, help came from all sides ,when nation is in danger and disaster, TBEA are concerning about the people in areas hit by earthquake, making full efforts in providing aids and supports in order to overcome natural disaster.