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Mr. Wang Lequan, the member of Political Bureau of the CPC Ce..

Mr. Wang Lequan, the member of Political Bureau of the CPC Ce..

Write: Karena [2011-05-20]

On June 4, 2009, a delegation led by Mr. Wang Lequan, the member of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the secretary of Xinjiang Party Committee Visit TBEA Tajikistan Power Construction Projects for Inspection, together with Mr. Deftezov, the first vice chairman of Tajikistan People Democratic Party, and Mr. Zuo Xueliang, the Ambassador of Chinese Embassy to The Republic of Tajikistan.

Mr. Wang Lequan watched closely the electric power equipments developed and manufactured by TBEA, accompanied by President Zhang Xin. In the meantime, he delivered a passionate speech, first of all, I would like to express sincere appreciation to you on behalf of Xinjiang Party Committee, Xinjiang people government and the Xinjiang people of all ethnic groups! I feel so good since Xinjiang Party Committee and people government are satisfied with your performance.

Tajikistan leaders expected TBEA to take root in Tajikistan on many occasions so as to continue participating in local economic development. As a result, you have to stay here for a long period of time, you should win the glory for motherland and Xinjiang with our hard working tradition. TBEA can undertake more than tough tasks, and can also get tough tasks well done, I would like to express sincere appreciation to you once again.

He said.

In the evening, Mr. Bai Zhijie, the member of standing commission of Xinjiang Party committee, the general secretary of Xinjiang Party committee, designated by Mr.Wang Lequan made their way to Tajikistan representative office, and extended sincere appreciation to personnel.