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Strong Economic Performance of Our Province in the First Half Year

Strong Economic Performance of Our Province in the First Half Year

Write: Klavdia [2011-05-20]

In the first half of this year, under the effect of the liberal national macro policies and improved market factors, the province's economy continued rapid development momentum based on the growth in the first quarter, the local GDP, industrial added value, revenue, investment, consumption and other major economic indicators grew higher than the national average, and economic performance showed a good trend of "high-order operation, development coordination, quality improvement". According to preliminary accounts, in the first half year, the province achieved GDP of 320.16 billion yuan, up 17.2%, increased by 5.5 percentage points over the previous year with 6.1 percentage points higher than the national average.
Key industries and key enterprises led industrial production to maintain a rapid growth. In the first half, above-scale industrial added value was 180.9 billion yuan, up 25.8%, with 8.2 percentage points higher than the national average, its growth ranking No. 9. The contribution rate of three pillar industries including automotive, petrochemical and food to the industrial economic growth was 58.8%. In the first half, FAW Group produced 1.228 million vehicles in total, of which 793,600 vehicles were produced in the province, up 51.7%. The output value of Jilin Petrochemical and Dacheng Group rose by 38.8% and 26.3% respectively.
The three factors promoting economic growth were keeping pace with each other, investment, consumption and export appeared a gratifying situation of coordinated growth. Investment continued to expand. In the first half, the province's above-town-level fixed asset investment reached 271.17 billion yuan, up 25.9%, with 0.4 percentage points higher than the national level. Among them, the investment in the five pillar advantageous industries increased 26.3%, infrastructure investment increased 26.5%, and social investment increased 69.7%, all of which were higher than the provincial average. The consumer market continued booming. In the first half, total retail sales reached 159.82 billion yuan, up 18.5%, with 0.3 percentage points higher than the national average. Sales of auto and motorcycle products going to countryside reached 2.086 billion yuan, with subsidies of 536 million yuan; sales of home appliances going to the countryside reached 992 million yuan, exceeding last year's total sales, and the rural consumption was effectively driven. Import and export trade saw a strong rebound. In the first half, the province's total import and export was 7.85 billion U.S. dollars, up 62.5%, with 19.4 percentage pointes higher than the national average. Among them: the import was 6.04 billion U.S. dollars, up 69%; and export was 1.81 billion U.S. dollars, up 44%. In the first half, import and export scale was restored and exceeded the level of the pre-crisis period.

Factor demand was steadily increased. In the first half, the province's social electricity consumption was 28.02 billion kwh in total, increased by 13.7%, and industrial electricity consumption was 19.06 billion kwh, up 15.1%, with 16.1 and 22.1 percentage points higher than the same period of the previous year respectively. As of the end of June, the domestic and foreign currency loan balance of the province's financial institutions was 693.01 billion yuan, increased by 16.1%. The province's railways and highways transported 40.204 million tons and 145.2 million tons of goods, with an increase of 21.4% and 31.8%.
Prices of commodities were basically stable. In the first half, the province's CPI index and PPI index were 103.2 and 107.06. CPI index recorded a month-on-month decrease for 4 consecutive months, and PPI index saw a month-on-month decrease in June for the first time.
While economy achieved rapid growth, economic performance quality was significantly improved, which was the biggest bright spot of the province s economic performance in the first half.

- Financial income saw a rapid growth. In the first half, the province's local-level fiscal revenue was 29.52 billion yuan, with an increase of 27.6%, of which tax revenue was 23 billion yuan, with an increase of 34.7%.

- Enterprise revenue was double. In the first half, the province s above-scale enterprises achieved net profit of 40.02 billion yuan, with an increase of 1.3 times; and composite index of industrial economic efficiency reached 290.4%, increased by 44.1 percentage points year on year.
- Income of urban and rural residents was steadily increased. In the first half, the province's per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 7,606 yuan, up 9.6%; and per capita cash income of farmers was 4,993 yuan, up 10.6%.
- The employment situation continued to improve. In the first half, the province's cities and towns provided 345,100 new jobs, up 19.7%, completing 76.7% of the annual plan. The registered urban unemployment rate was 3.86%, with 0.34 percentage points lower than the national average. 326.3 million rural immigrant workers were employed, increased by 18.5%, completing 93.2% of the annual plan.
- Energy saving achieved initial results. In the first half, the province's unit GDP energy consumption fell about 5.5%, which is generally close to the annual objective of decreasing 5.6%, the industrial sector accounting for 70% of the province's energy consumption achieved good results in energy saving, and the energy consumption of the above-scale industrial 10000-yuan added value decreased 8.7% year on year. Emissions of chemical oxygen demand were reduced by 24,300 tons, and the sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced by 30,500 tons, overfulfilling the emission reduction target for the first half.