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Our province will further implement "seven major projects"

Our province will further implement "seven major projects"

Write: Fiachra [2011-05-20]

To improve the level of open economy in our province, this year, our province will, with building "seven major projects" as the carrier, expand the gross, improve quality, and make efforts to increase the contribution rate of import and export to economic growth.

Further implement the "main-part growth project", and strengthen the building of foreign trade enterprises. It gives classified instruction on the existing foreign trade enterprises, and continues to implement the contact service system for the enterprises with import and export volume of more than 10 million US dollars, to support them to become bigger and stronger; it gives key support to the enterprises with import and export volume between 1 million US dollars and 10 million US dollars, to help them grow as soon as possible the backbone for import and export; it gives help in business training, market development and key aspects to the enterprises with import and export volume of fewer than 1 million U.

S. dollars as well as those that have not carried out business, to assist the enterprise development to achieve performance breakthroughs. Meanwhile, it makes great efforts to support the foreign franchise companies, and offer a variety of facilities for their development. It vigorously introduces various types of export enterprises from outside province, actively creates more favorable conditions, attracts the enterprises from outside province to carry out import and export business in our province, and spares no effort to expand the gross.

It vigorously introduces export-oriented enterprises with foreign investment. It works closely with the departments concerned, makes efforts to introduce the enterprises with foreign investment orienting to international market, and further increases the proportion of foreign-funded enterprises in the province s foreign trade.

Fostering and expanding export bases, consolidating industrial foundation, and implementing the "base construction project" will become the main direction and acting point of our province's foreign trade promotion in a period of time. With export base as a platform, large enterprises as the basis, the advantageous products as the core, and public service platform building as the focus, it increases financial support, consolidates and upgrades the traditional advantageous export industries, fosters and expands the emerging dominant export industries.

It actively promotes the construction of 3 national export bases such as Changchun autos and auto parts export base, Changchun and Tonghua science and technology export bases, supports the industries and regional plates with mature conditions to apply for the national export base; it promotes the building of 21 provincial export bases newly planned by the province, and fosters a number of provincial industrial export bases with high degree of industrial agglomeration and great development potential.

It attracts a number of private enterprises with strong export capacity and large enterprises from outside the province into the bases, to form the backbone export enterprise cluster of the bases; by combining with regional characteristics and comparative advantages, it develops a number of city, state and county level export bases with regional characteristics.

To enhance the core competitiveness of export commodities, the province will further implement the "brand development project" to strengthen export brand building. With large enterprises as the basis, it increases efforts in scientific and technological innovation, and strives to build international brands.

It gives play to the combined effect of the foreign trade policies, and focuses on supporting the enterprises with large export volume and sound brand building, and promotes brands enterprises to become bigger and stronger. It gradually establishes the brand-oriented target marketing system, supports the export of high-tech and electromechanical products, expands the export of intellectual property rights, independent innovation and self-owned brands, and constantly improves the value-added and competitiveness of export products.

Starting the "border trade rising project" and further accelerating the development of border trade will be the focus for the province to promote border opening this year. It gives full play to the convenience advantage of our province in carrying out border trade, strengthens border crossing and channel construction, and speeds up the border trade to transform from weak, small and poor to structural upgrading.

It continues to organize series of economic and trade activities with Russia, and promotes rapid growth of exports to Russia. Under the premise of avoiding risk of trade, it guides enterprises to expand the trade with North Korea. It establishes public service platform for the trade with Russia and North Korea, organizes enterprises to participate in St.

Petersburg, Moscow, Pyongyang and other international exhibitions, and expands the export capacity of enterprises to Russia and North Korea. With Yanbian Prefecture listed as the priority to undertake processing trade as the opportunity, it promotes the construction of Hunchun export processing zone.

It speeds up the construction of Sino-Russian and Sino-Korean trade zones, actively introduces domestic large enterprises and groups, and supports various types of enterprises to carry out investment and trade with Russia and North Korea.

Further implement the "service trade zooming project", and further promote the service trade to achieve breakthrough development in our province. It increases policy support in corporate training, platform construction, marketing, personnel training and other aspects, improves the service trade promotion system, and strengthens service trade statistics and other infrastructure work.

It focuses on developing software development, animation, finance, design, medicine and other characteristic offshore outsourcing clusters, and encourages enterprises to set up undertaking and contracting centers. It organizes enterprises to participate in Hong Kong clothing trade, Dalian Software Fair, Shenzhen Cultural Fair and other exhibitions, and actively introduces powerful service outsourcing enterprises from outside.

It improves the infrastructure of the service outsourcing base, and promotes Changchun Auto Service Outsourcing Base, Changchun Hi-tech Zone Software Park, Yanji City Sino-South Korean Software Park and other industrial demonstration parks to accelerate development. It continues to work hard to include Changchun City into "China's service outsourcing model city", and gives play to the important role of outsourcing industry in promoting service development, expanding exports and promoting the transformation of foreign trade development mode.

Starting the "market development project", and organizing overseas market development activities. The province will develop the targeted marketing plan, and further develops the traditional markets which occupy for long an important share of the import and export trade in our province. 10 countries and regions such as EU, Russia, South Korea, Japan, the United States, ASEAN, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan and Canada account for 85% of the export trade of the province.

For the development of these markets, it should not only organize integrated trade groups to expand the key areas of trade, but also organize professional groups to promote key products and dock with key customers. The development of Russian and North Korean markets should combine trade and investment.

Meanwhile, it formulates the development plan for Middle East, Eastern Europe, South America, Africa and other emerging markets, carries out specialized and high-level docking negotiations mainly in the form of group teams, and organizes enterprises to carry out docking development.

In addition, the province will implement the "service optimization project", and further optimize the environment for the development of foreign trade. It establishes the mechanism for trade and industry collaboration, optimizes the import and export service mechanism, guides enterprises to effectively deal with trade frictions, and rationally uses trade remedy measures to protect the province s industrial safety.