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Programm of 2009 Prime Source Forum

Programm of 2009 Prime Source Forum

Write: Ram [2011-05-20]
Date/Time Proposed Programme 31 Mar 2009 Workshops 09:00 - 09:10 Introduction by Mr. Jeremy PREPSCIUS, Director, Asia, Business for Social Responsibility 09:10-10:40

Workshop: Sustainability (Part A)

What can we do to develop the sustainability of our apparel businesses? Group discussions and case studies - food for participants to think about...

Delegates will be separated into five groups. Each group will be assigned a balance of different players in the supply chain, such as consumers, buyers, brand owners, retailers, manufacturers, material/chemical suppliers and NGOs. In the first session, each group will focus on one major subject at the same time.

Group A: Who owns carbon credits? Possibilities of carbon trading and its implementation in the apparel industry.
Group B: Corporate rating and sustainability development
Group C: "Green labels" are flooding in the market. What are real "green labels"?
Group D: Oversupply and smart sourcing
Group E: Assuring supplies of sustainable products

10:40-11:00 Coffee break sponsored by Thermo Fisher 11:00-12:30

Workshop: Sustainability (Part B)

After a coffee break, groups will present their conclusions on the subjects. The findings of the group discussions will be presented in the Sustainability Session of the Prime Source Forum on 2 April after lunch.

12:30-14:30 Lunch break 14:30 -16:10

Introduction by Mr. Raymond Ng, COO, GS1 Hong Kong

Technology Workshop: Technologies and international standards enabling "ONE apparel world"

Speed to market, rapid prototyping and getting it right the first time while retaining differentiation, are challenges to the apparel industry.

Many frustrating delays occur among buyers, suppliers and manufacturers as they are not connected in a standardised way. Each buyer has a different way of doing things. Interpretation between cultures and languages varies resulting in misunderstanding, and poor samples, which delays products in getting into markets. The apparel industry is much like the FMCG industry and practitioners have to get it right the first time. Standardised processes/procedures from "design to rack" providing the instant status of their orders at a global level are key to success.

Do practitioners by sharing or syncronising production information with each other help solve the problems? What global standards can make their lives easier? The impact of technologies on sourcing strategies, applications of PLM, RFID, WIP and other solutions in the industry and various case studies will be covered in this workshop.

Workshop: Technology (Part A) - Communications
Moderator: Mr. Roger NELSON, MD, Concepts 2 Results Ltd.

16:10-16:30 Coffee break sponsored by SAP 16:30-18:00

Workshop: Technology (Part B) - Technology applications

Moderator: Ms. Kathleen MITFORD, VP, Vertical Market Strategy for Retail, Footwear and Apparel, PTC

1 Apr 2009 Forum Day 1 09:00 - 09:05 Welcome message by Mr. Michael DUCK, Director, APLF Ltd. 09:05 - 09:12 Introduction by the Master of Ceremony, Mr. Derek BINNS, MD, DB Ltd.
09:12 - 09:27 Welcome address by Mrs. Rita LAU Ng Wai-lan, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, the Hong Kong SAR Government 09:27-09:37 Introductory address by Mr. Markus Lampe, Senior Vice President Marketing CRYSTALLIZED(TM) - Swarovski Elements, D.Swarovski & CO, the APLF Sponsor 09:37-10:25 Keynote speech by Mr. Nicholas KWAN, Regional Head of Research, Asia, Standard Chartered Bank 10:25 - 10:45 Coffee break sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank 10:45 - 12:00

Session 1: Sourcing: Financial & political aspects

How deep an impact has political change and financial turmoil had on the global apparel industry, particularly on trade policies and sourcing?
Special focus on the US and its suppliers.

Moderator: Ms. Julie HUGHES, SVP, USAITA

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch sponsored by Avery Dennison 13:30 - 14:45

Session 2: Sourcing: Financial & political aspects

How deep an impact has political change and financial turmoil had on the global apparel industry, particularly on trade policies and sourcing?
Special focus on the EU and its suppliers.

Moderator: Ms. Mary KISSEL, Editor, Editorial Page, The Wall Street Journal Asia

14:45 - 15:05 Coffee break sponsored by Core Solutions 15:05 - 16:20

Session 3: Sourcing

A “surge” or a “shift”? The global industry is experiencing a paradigm shift. Some suppliers are moving out of the business, while some are concerned about rising wages, increasing energy and transportation costs, and relocation woes. What are sourcing managers’ contingency and future plans?

Moderator: Mr. Thomas NELSON, MD, VF Asia Ltd.

16:20 - 16:40 Coffee break sponsored by SBS 16:40 - 17:55

Session 4: The ever changing retailing scene

There is a saying that “Consumers are kings and retailers are ever obliging courtiers.” The current economic stresses have had an impact on ordering patterns, with inevitable repercussions for the apparel industry. How have suppliers coped with the reduction in orders? Or, have the growing markets of China and India, with their burgeoning middle classes, made up the shortfall?

Moderator: Mr. Devangshu DUTTA, Chief Executive, Third Eyesight

17:55 - 18:30 Cocktail 18:30 - 20:00 Dinner sponsored by Nature Group 2 Apr 2009 Forum Day 2 09:30 - 09:37 Introduction by the Master of Ceremony, Mr. Derek BINNS, MD, DB Ltd. 09:37 - 10:25 Special address 10:25 - 10:45 Coffee break sponsored by Bureau Veritas 10:45 - 12:00

Session 5: Product safety

Product recalls are costly. Is this simply a technical issue or is it political? The provision of correct specifications and training by the brands, and the competence of the suppliers to implement these accordingly are key issues. What are cost-effective ways to ensure product safety

Moderator: Ms. Lisa BATE, VP, Account Management, Business Development and Marketing, Bureau Veritas

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch sponsored by Dystar 13:30 - 14:45

Session 6: Sustainability

Becoming sustainable, whether within an organisation or as part of the industry, should not be one-sided. Can players in all sectors of the supply chain give up some of their interests in order to make the entire supply chain sustainable, given that the industry environment is becoming increasingly tough? What are the practical strategies and policies that could be commonly applied? (Conclusions of the Sustainability Workshop will be presented)

Moderator: Ms. Christine LOH, Chief Executive, Civic Exchange

14:45 - 15:05 Coffee break sponsored by BASF
15:05 - 16:20

Session 7: Technology vs. talent management

Technology beats the human mind … or is it the other way round? Discuss how to add value to and/or reduce the non-value-added steps involved in sourcing processes in order to reduce costs and increase margins.

Moderator: Mr. Gilles CRUANES, VP, South Asia, Dassault Systemes

16:20 - 16:40 Coffee break sponsored by Nixon Alpha Systems 16:40 - 17:55 Session 8: Summary - A panel of Industry experts will discuss: "What we have learned in the last 48 hours" 17:55 - 18:15 Closing

*This programme is subject to change and the organisers reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to modify, add or remove portions of the programme at any time without prior notice.