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India : Now, double subsidy for farmers taking up sericulture!

India : Now, double subsidy for farmers taking up sericulture!

Write: Kalkin [2011-05-20]
In an attempt to promote silk industry and lend a hand to the tragedy stricken cotton growers in Vidarbha, Government has decided to double subsidy for farmers who take up sericulture.
Farmers who take sericulture will now get a subsidy of Rs25,000 per acre, up from Rs12,060.
"Sericulture is a high return occupation. Moreover, along with silk processing it can provide large scale employment," EGS and parliamentary affairs minister Harshvardhan Patil told the press.
Annual sericulture production in Maharashtra reaches around 9,000 hectares and other states like Karnataka cultivate over one lakh hectares.
Patil informed, “This year we have a target of 10,000 hectares. A sericulture policy will be framed for the state soon covering all aspects from cultivation to silk production."
This initiative also includes plans to set up cocoon purchase centre in every taluka.