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Germany : Bremen cotton market - supply of needs till works holidays

Germany : Bremen cotton market - supply of needs till works holidays

Write: Manuella [2011-05-20]
The mills´ buyers were confronted also in the past week with firm and rising prices for the commodity. Quotations in New York cotton futures had once again gone up substantially and only slightly gave in during the further course of the week.
Favourable offers from the countries of origin were unavailable in anticipation of further rising prices.
Thus, business focused on lots already in hands of the trade, which should cover the demand ahead of and short after the forthcoming works holidays of the spinning mills.
In the Upland range were traded: Central Asian sorts for prompt and further in the 2nd and 3rd quarter 2007; West African types for prompt and for the 3rd qnd 4th quarter 2007, as well as Greek descriptions for loading in the 2nd and 3rd quarter 2007.
In the ELS/LS range were turnovers registered in Egyptian GIZA 86 for the 2nd quarter 2007 and USA Pima for prompt.