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Germany : 8th Coatema Coating Symposium in November

Germany : 8th Coatema Coating Symposium in November

Write: Malaya [2011-05-20]
“Another big success“-this is Coatema Coating Machinery´s resume of the ITMA 2007 in Munich.
It was not only the new, innovative coating aggregate with 2.000 mm working width and a combination of an air and a roller knife and a foulard that was presented fort he first time on the fair and for which several buying options were signed.
Coatema´s new concepts for yarn coating also produced lively interest, as well as the 8th Coatema Coating Symposium on November 5th/6th 2007.
The new compact generation of Basecoaters, equipped with a Dynatech-hotmelt application system found favour with the customers, and on the first day of the fair, the first Basecoater special offer was already sold.
Altogether, it was a successful event for Coatema Coating Machinery and its team, which is looking forward to welcome you at K 2007 in Düsseldorf.