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Israel : OptiTex featured in essentials of GCSE design & technology

Israel : OptiTex featured in essentials of GCSE design & technology

Write: Ronan [2011-05-20]
OptiTex technology has been chosen to illustrate the section on “Computers in the Textile and Fashion Industry” in the new GCSE Textiles Technology Revision Guide for 2007 by Rose Sinclair. It is being published by Lonsdale, a leading publisher of study guides in the United Kingdom.
“Lonsdale revision guides are widely deployed throughout the UK as affordable resources supporting learning and review for exam success,” says Chris Glennie, Publishing Director of Lonsdale. “To maintain our position as the leader in our field, our authors constantly strive to keep abreast of innovators in their fields such as OptiTex.”
OptiTex’s software platform, with features such as 3D models, computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aide manufacture (CAM), has established it as the leader in design software across most segments of the textile industry. Student users have embraced it for its wide variety of user-friendly options and parameters and environmentally responsible elimination of wasted materials.
“We are delighted to be considered an industry standard such that a renown study guide like Lonsdale’s features our software as the industry benchmark,” according to Ran Machtinger, President and CEO of OptiTex Ltd. “This dovetails with the recent purchase of 25 full software packages by the London College of Fashion.”
OptiTex’s educational partnerships include leading design institutions in the United States, Brazil, and China, among others worldwide. They recognize that top-tier fashion designers such as Hilfiger, Hugo Boss and, Kozomara to industrial designers as diverse as BMW, Porsche, Boeing USA and Eurocopter deploy OptiTex design platforms.
“It’s vital that our publications include the most current technologies, such as OptiTex” concludes Chris Glennie, “so that students enter the marketplace equipped to be competitive. We strive to ensure that we prepare them as fully as possible for the challenges they will face.”