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Details of US Footwear Market Report

Details of US Footwear Market Report

Write: Walford [2011-05-20]

The US footwear industry consists of about 100 manufacturers; 1,500 wholesalers; and 30,000 retail outlets, with combined annual retail revenue of $25 billion. The major shoe companies in the US, including NIKE, Reebok, Brown Shoe, and Timberland, are mainly owners of brand names that "source" their shoes from independent manufacturers. The retail segment includes owners of large chains, like Foot Locker and thousands of small local retailers. The retail segment is highly concentrated: the largest 50 chains hold about 80 percent of the market. Many shoe companies operate in both the wholesale and retail segments.

Demand is driven by fashion and demographics. The profitability of individual companies depends on their ability to design and market attractive shoe models. Big companies have economies of scale in distribution and marketing. Small companies can compete successfully through superior design or marketing.

Major product segments are athletic, women's, and men's shoes. Athletic shoes account for about 30 percent of the retail market, women's casual and dress shoes for 25 percent, men's casual and dress shoes for 15 percent, and miscellaneous for the remainder.

Domestic manufacture of shoes has been rapidly declining and is now worth less than $3 billion annually. The typical US shoe manufacturer is small, with annual revenue of $10 million and fewer than 100 employees. US-made products are mostly private-label men's shoes. Average revenue per employee is $100,000. Materials, ...

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Related Titles also available from Research and Markets:

US Footwear Sector: Industry Profile -

Global Industry Report - Footwear Manufacturers -

Global Footwear Manufacturing -


Rachel Thompson
Senior Manager
Research and Markets Ltd