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Three die of carbon monoxide poisoning

Three die of carbon monoxide poisoning

Write: Forster [2011-05-20]

Han Ximin

THREE people were poisoned by carbon monoxide while showering at home in the past three days. The city s health emergency center warned people to keep bathrooms ventilated and to use qualified water heaters.

The victims included Li Lingli, 17, in Guangming New Zone and a 42-year-old man identified as Huang in Bao an District.

The cold weather had resulted in a surge of carbon monoxide poisonings, Shenzhen Health Emergency Center spokesperson Cao Lin said. The death toll was not known because the center was analyzing reports for the past month, Cao said.

Media reports showed there were at least eight deaths this winter and all involved unflued gas water heaters in poorly ventilated rented apartments in Longgang and Bao an districts. Unflued gas heaters were prohibited by authorities several years ago.

Carbon monoxide can damage brain cells in three minutes and cause death in 10 minutes, said Zhao Wei, emergency center training section chief. He suggested bathrooms be fitted with safe gas heaters.

The Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory said yesterday the cold weather would continue in the coming week with minimum temperatures between 9 and 10 degrees Celsius.

The lowest temperature hit 5 degrees Celsius yesterday with scattered light rain affecting parts of the city. The temperatures is expected to rise slightly today and tomorrow before another plunge over the weekend affected by another cold front.

Shenzhen Aid Center had opened shelters providing food and accommodation for the homeless.