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White ants cause parkinfestation

White ants cause parkinfestation

Write: Whitford [2011-05-20]

WHITE ants have been eating plants and trees in Meilinshan Park near the junction of Futian, Nanshan and Bao an districts.

Insects in the 6.2-square-kilometer park have been eating numerous trees causing them to wither, Shenzhen Economic Daily reported yesterday.

The perimeter of the damaged trees is between 90 and 110 centimeters, the paper said.

The trees are at least 20 years old, said Chen, who reported the white ant infestation.

Nearby residential buildings could also be infested by the pests, Chen said.

He called for urgent action to eradicate the termites.

The paper said the infestation had been reported to the local government.

However, a nearby resident said nothing had yet been done to eradicate the pests.

(Li Hao)