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City plans to build more roads

City plans to build more roads

Write: Ivory [2011-05-20]

Han Ximin

SHENZHEN will spend an estimated 138 billion yuan (US$21 billion) on road works in the 12th Five-Year Program including more than 30 billion yuan on expressways, according to a draft plan released yesterday.

By the end of 2012, the second phase of the Shuiguan Expressway, the first phase of Danping Expressway and the No. 2 Guangzhou-Shenzhen expressway would open and work would start on five other expressways, Shenzhen transport commission sources said yesterday.

Between 2013 and 2015, roadworks connecting Shenzhen and Hong Kong at Liantang Checkpoint and the expansion of Meiguan Expressway would be completed. The new work would extend the city s road network from the present 6,200 kilometers to about 7,300 kilometers.

In five years, the city would have an expressway network of 699 kilometers. Expressways such as the Eastern Border Crossing High-Speed Road and the No. 2 Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway would help divert container trucks traveling between Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta cities, helping to relieve traffic congestion on nearby roads.

Residents can log onto www.sztb.gov.cn to check further details and send their opinions to the commission s e-mail box daoluwang125@yahoo.cn over the next two weeks.