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Ningbo Textile Enterprises Top Trademark List

Ningbo Textile Enterprises Top Trademark List

Write: Acadia [2011-05-20]

It is reported, by the end of 2006, Ningbo city has 32053 registered trademarks, of which 37 have gained considerable popularity.
The most expensive trademark is that of Yongor brand, worth RMB9.181 billion, and ranks 52 among ‘2006 China - first 500 trademarks’.
In textile and clothing industry, Ningbo takes the top spot among all cities in China with 5 trademarks in this list. Other four brands are Romon. Progen, Beyond and Rouse.
However, experts noted that the local brands had failed to register abroad. Analysts suggest that the textile and clothing export enterprises should look into the matter seriously and take aggressive steps to develop and protect trademark in international markets.