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Ancient-style costume, Olympic Games uniform?

Ancient-style costume, Olympic Games uniform?

Write: Gaines [2011-05-20]

The jointly online petition calls on making traditional Han-dynasty costumes the official uniform of the Chinese delegation during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Han costume or "Shenyi" designed for male is a full-length, one-piece robe which links the Yi and Chang together to wrap up the body. It is cut separately, but sewn together. Shenyi was named because when worn "the body is deeply wrapped up.

Our petition has been submitted to the Beijing Olympic Committee", initiator Fu Lujiang from an old-style Ming De private school at Hebei Province said yesterday. The proposal has been mainly imitated by a group of famous Chinese scholars, echoing with an army of domestic counterparts and netizens.

BOCOG today said they didn't receive any propose, but confirms Chinese elements will out of question be blended into the delegation uniform design.

The propose says that "China as the host in the worldwide Olympic Games is absolutely

necessary to demonstrate their unique centuries-old culture by dressing up ethical outfits and salute the old-style formality that will impress both domestic spectators and overseas guests.

Advocator: Chinese culture embodied

Large sized garment, bow and scrape, such a strand of traditional etiquette could lead back spectators to ancient periods.

The Han costume or "Shenyi" originated from Shang Dynasty (17th - 11th century BC), long serve d as the formal attire for Chinese people until the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644).

"There exists a misunderstanding that much of who consider Han-style costume is namely the dress popular in Han dynasty", an undefined initiator said of their petition, "We just aim at evoking Chinese recollection of traditional culture."

It is not the latest instance of public tendency to revive the traditional culture via Han-style suits. It can be said the outfits is everywhere as the newly fad among the youth: civilian sacrifices, wedding ceremonies, musical instrument performances and even a Han costume-themed restaurant that makes debut in Beijing last year.

In such petition, titled "Marking Chinese consume our own voice and symbols at the upcoming Olympic Games" also highlights a propose brought forward by a China National People's Congress (NPC)member Ye Hongming at the recently-closed NPC annual session, that is, to nominate the Han-style dress as the 'Chinese national costume', hoping "Chinese people moves to demonstrate ethical charm".

Opponent: Profit-oriented

But opponents look coldly on such high fever, and cast the oppugn on the addiction to the old-style attires, criticizing the eye-catching propose a trick by the name of Olympic Games but in fact a profit-making conduct.

Han costume or "Shenyi" designed for the female is a full-length, one-piece robe which links the Yi and Chang together to wrap up the body. It is cut separately, but sewn together. Shenyi was named because when worn "the body is deeply wrapped up".

A netizen Xiao Li said of Han costume is "nice as the uniform for Chinese athletes" during the Beijing Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies while question whether the ancient-style outfits resemble the Kimono a little?

It is the growing concern not only shared by Xiao Li and his supporters, Japanese Kimono, Korean attires, Indian sari, when the neighboring countries combines their domestic lingering as well as distinguishing appeal; how does China, crested "King of clothes and hat" since ages ago, demonstrate their own unique image towards the world?

Experts: Reviving the tradition, or antiquated performance?

Cultural expert Wang Xudong thought rising fad on Han-style costume is no other than a classical culture renaissance, or namely a series of superficial "shows".

Traditional etiquette one side is too old to be revived completely; on the other, current etiquette culture, being absorb into exotic civilization and burgeoning internal elements, Zhang Yiwu, a well-known professor with Chinese literature department at Peking University said of current Han costume mania.

While most cultural scholars stress that if a style of costume is supposed to be named as national costume, it should be at first widely recognized by the whole country other than by authority.