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Ministry of Agriculture: Cotton is growing well

Ministry of Agriculture: Cotton is growing well

Write: Demi [2011-05-20]
Recently, the spokesman of marketing and economic information of Agriculture Ministry of China has declared cotton market monitoring information in July 2006. The specific situations are as follows:
I. Cotton is growing well, it is estimated that the total output will
increase 5.3% from last year
News released by China National Cotton Association and China Nation Marketing and Supply General Cooperative show, that the spring-sowed cotton area this year in China is increased by 6.56% from last year, and total area of cotton is over 5,333,333.3 hectares. At present, the cotton growth is well, if there is no serious natural disaster in September and October, the total output is estimated to increase 5.3% from 5.70 million tons of last year.
II. The import volume is high
In June, the cotton import is high, according to the statistics of the Head Office of Customs, the cotton import that month is 380,700 tons, although it is reduced by 83,000 tons from May, it is still increased 175,000 tons comparing with 206,000 tons from the same period of last year, the growth rate is 85%. From September 2005 to June 2006, the cumulative import cotton in China is 3.465 million tons, up 2.476 million tons from last year; the growth rate is 250%. From January to June, 2006, the cumulative import cotton is 2.45 million tons, the cumulative import value is 3.29 billion US dollar, up 238% and 286% respectively from the same period of last year.
In June, the cotton import is mainly trade type, which is 215,000 tons, which has accounted for 56% of total import volume. The main sources are from the US, India and Australia etc., among which, cotton from the US has accounted for 57% of the total import volume.
Textiles industry has rapidly developed; output of cotton yarns has achieved high record
In July, the yarns output in China has achieved the highest record. According to the latest statistics data of China, the yarns volume has reached 1.5653 million tons in June, up 199,800 tons from last month, the growth rate is 14.6%; and up 329,600 tons from last year, the growth rate is 26.67%.
During September 2005 June 2006, the cumulative yarns output in China is 12.9842 million tons, up 2.69 million tons from last year and the growth rate is 26.1%.