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China changes the world harbor industry structure

China changes the world harbor industry structure

Write: Naum [2011-05-20]
"In the past, China's harbors were unknown in the world, but now they are changing the pattern of the global harbor industry along with the era of China". This is how the latest edition of German weekly newspaper Spiel described the momentum of China's harbor industry in the world. It pointed out the five major trends in the harbor industry and the balancing role China will play in the future.
China will become the world's harbor center
According to the Spiel Weekly, after China became the manufacturing center and the "world factory", the trade volume between China and the US, Europe and Asia has been unprecedented. As Walmart supermarket has begun to buy their products in China, TCL and Lenovo have increased their export and China's increasingly essential raw materials which include oil, iron ore and copper, tremendous increase can be seen in China's inland harbor transportation. Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhan currently rank from second to fourth in the world harbor container transportation with total throughput accounting for 25% of the world's total. China has become one of the world's harbor powers.
The article says that the world harbour industry has shifted its center from Western Europe to North America and then to East Asia. Before the mid 1990s, it was Japan and four little Asian Dragons' foreign trade that drove the rapid development of port industry, in particular container transportation. With the transfer of world manufacturing bases, China has replaced the four little dragons and become the major driving force for the increase of container throughput and made the world throughput concentrate in East Asia. China's rise makes obvious to the world that it is not the resources concentration that drives the development of harbors, but the development of harbors that drives the resource concentration.
China has become the No.1 source of goods for European ports. Last year, the Hamburg's containers back and forth from China accounted for 20% of its total.
The goods coming from China are home appliances, textile products and toys whilst the goods from Germany to China are machinery and car parts etc. Some marine transportation companies have put their emphasis on the Chinese line. Some people even say that if the machine of China stops, the whole world will face difficulties.
Singapore is still the world's No. 1 container harbor in the world
The world's No.1 container harbor is still Singapore. Compared with Chinese ports, Singapore has several advantages: the excellent position of Maliujia straits, Asian financial and trade centers and being appraised as the excellent export port in Asia for 11 years. But Singapore also faces competition from Malaysia who offers lower price. Ten years ago, Shanghai harbor was still unknown to the world as a container transportation harbor. In 1990, Shanghai port throughput of containers was 450 thousand and in 1996, it became 2 million. Early this year, the throughput of Shanghai containers reached 10.082 million, 17.8 percent more than last year. It is predicted that the later half of the year will also see more than 10 million containers.
Within five years, the Spiel predicts that Shanghai will become the world's No1 port. Of course Hong Kong is catching up. South Korea has also vowed to invest as much as Shanghai. Japan is also resuming her position as the Asian region International transportation center.
Some experts point out that Shanghai harbor's transfer capacity is not sufficient with the international standard of 10% of the total cargo. 70% of Chinese exports will be transferred through South Korea.
Future harbour industries will cooperate through competition
Experts hold that with the development of the world's marine transportation ships towards large or mega ships, the global harbors will see five major trends:
Some international hub will develop further into deep waters; a new global harbor network will be formed taking equator as the center; ports status will be obvious in cargo transportation and become the global international trade and transportation base; the high tech in satellite positioning and electronic data exchange system will become the major method of management for new century's harbors. There will be a new operation method in world's harbors such as contracting and leasing. In order to deal with global competition, in addition to East Asian port, all the harbors are trying to improve. In the following 3 to 4 years, Dibai port in the UAE, will invest 3 billion US dollars to buy the harbor property. Brazil, Pakistan and other countries are also co-finance to build deep water harbors and the African countries have also strengthened their harbor construction.
Experts point out that in the new round of world competition, only a minority can become at the international center, so various harbors are seeking cooperation and through cooperation seek development. For example, with an increase of Chinese harbor capacity, the US harbors see greater competition. Thus in Seattle, the US has taken the strategy of seeking cooperation in infrastructure construction and co-financing field which actually attracted many ship companies and cargo owners.