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Monthly report for China cotton situation in June

Monthly report for China cotton situation in June

Write: Vaninadh [2011-05-20]
According to the statistics from China National Cotton Association on June 19th, the total output of cotton in China in 2005/06 is 5.7 million tons; till June 2006, the government has allocated cotton import quota 2,594,000 tons; from September, 2005 to June, 2006 China has imported cotton 3.53 million tons; it is estimated that the total demand of cotton this year is around 10 million tons.
From cotton spot market, at present, the prices for cotton sales in domestic market have been reduced in a small margin, the domestic cotton is sold slowly, and storage is in large volume. According to statistics, till the end of June, the storage volume of Xinjiang cotton is 0.7 million tons, which is 0.5 million tons more than that in the same period of last year; the storage in Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces is about 0.7 million tons; and the storage in provinces of drainage area of Yangtze River is about 0.2 million tons.
Furthermore, according to the statistics from relevant sectors, in 2006, the sown area of cotton in China is increased by 5%, it is estimated around 5.33 million hectares, of which, the sown area in Xinjiang is 1.217 million hectares, it is 54,667 hectares more than that of last year. In normal harvest year, it is estimated that the total output in China should be around 6 million tons. At present, the cotton growth in most of the cotton planting regions is normal, and cotton has blossomed in most of the regions. From the weather conditions, at the first 20 days of June, the precipitation in most of cotton planting regions in the drainage areas of Yellow River and Yangtze River is obviously less than before, which causes drought in some cotton regions; during the last ten days of June and first ten days of July, the rainfall and downfall weathers appeared in most of cotton planting regions in China, which play an active roll in relieving the drought situation, and will be favorable to cotton growth; downfall and rainstorm weathers appeared in the drainage area of the Huaihe River, the precipitation is 1-4 times more than that in the same period of normal years, and disasters such as rainstorm, floodwater and waterlog as well as hail appeared in some regions, the regions suffered serious disasters are some areas in Jiangsu, Anhui, Hebei and Henan provinces.