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BP will build world biggest textile fabric factory in China

BP will build world biggest textile fabric factory in China

Write: Vasudev [2011-05-20]

World second biggest oil company-BP has bigger appetite to China petrifaction. The reporters know that the second project item of Zhuhai Biqi chemical industry Co.,Ltd with annual output 0.9million ton PTA, which is world PTA manufacture installation, have been authorized by National Development & Reform Committee.

The employee of BP China company said yesterday that China s increasing demand on petrochemical have big attraction on BP who is perfecting petrifaction distribution.

Zhuhai become world biggest PTA base

The Public relationship of BP China Co.-Zhao yuanheng told to reporter that Zhuhai Bipi is a joint-venture company established by Zhuhai Fuhua Group Stock Co.,Ltd and BP Chemistry Stock Co.-BP s subsidiary in 1997 as well as the first PTA factory established by BP in China.

It is introduced that the total investment of Zhuhai PTA second project is RMB323.266billion, the investment proportion of China and foreign country is 15:85. This item is started up and will be finished by the end of 2007 when the annual capability of PTA can reach 14million ton, about over RMB10billion.

PTA s foreign dependence is more than oil

PTA, this word be strange to many people have tight relationship with daily life. PTA being the material of polyester product as well as the one of PET and textile industry is made into shade thread, transport strip, fishing net, tug, tent, insulated material etc as well as the medical things. The demand of PTA is consistent with GDP.

China s demand on PTA begins to rise uprightly since 1996. In 2000, the import exceeds inland output for the first time. The statistic from custom show that inland import between 2003-2005 is 4.55million ton, 5.72million ton, 6.49million ton, the demand 8.41million ton, 10.3million ton, 11.99 million ton, foreign dependence 53%, 56%, 54% separately, higher than the one of oil-40%.

In the meantime, inland polyester production increase quickly and will continual to increase in the future. Therefore, inland PTA s supply can not meet the demand in future years. After being put into production, PTA second period project item can change unbalance PTA working procedure.

BP perfect petrifaction layout in China

Zhao Yuanheng admits that BP will develop into a petrifaction industry chain in China. Yangtze Yixian chemical Co.,Ltd invested by BP and SINOPEC have operated for nearly 11 years and increase annual production from 0.2million ton to 0.3million ton; In Nov,2005, Nanjing Yangzi petrifaction Bipi Yixian Co.,Ltd with annual production 0.5million ton is established; besides, BP also get the holding right of Shanghai Sainuo with annual production 0.9milion ton.