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Write: Lexine [2011-05-20]

Trademark applications rise

The number of foreign companies' trademark applications in China increased rapidly in the past two years as China took effective measures in trademark protection, according to the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC).

The number of trademark applications in China by foreign companies reached 706,000 last year, an increase of 17.1 per cent over 2004, said Cheng Meng at an international seminar on intellectual property rights (IPR) protection.

The seminar was part of the Tenth China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) held in Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province.

In 2004, the number of trademark applications in China by foreign companies exceeded 60,000 for the first time, and the actual figure rose 29.82 per cent over that of 2003.

"Last year China became the designated country with the largest number of extended trademarks in the Madrid Trademark International Enrollment Alliance," Cheng says.

The Madrid Trademark International Enrollment Alliance is an international organization for trademark registration and had 79 members by the end of last year.

"The increase in the number of trademark applications in China shows foreign companies' confidence in China's trademark law system, trademark protection and market environment," Cheng says.

Suspected infringers scrutinized

According to a report from the temporary office for Intellectual Property rights (IPR) protection at the China (Dalian) International Garment and Textile Fair, the office has organized daily investigations into enterprises suspected of infringement.

It has dealt with two enterprises and filed one case. The office has also carried out strict management on visitors.

In addition, the temporary office has provided advisory services to domestic and foreign business people for a total of 96 times during the fair.

Experts say the International Garment and Textile Fair in Dalian is one of the best for IPR protection among expos in China.