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Turkish Textile Dyeing Factories Face Decline

Turkish Textile Dyeing Factories Face Decline

Write: Mercutio [2011-05-20]

Most of Turkey? 600 fabric dyeing factories are in difficulty due to the stagnation of the textile industry, the head of one of the country? trade groups has said.

Ahmet Temiroglu, president of the Turkish Textile Dyeing and Finishing Industries?Association believes that if the decline continues then many companies in Turkey may close down.

Pointing to the increasing competition, particularly from China, Temiroglu claims that Turkish textile industry should stop producing basic products like T-shirts and instead give priority to value added products.

Temiroglu added: ?ost of the companies in the textile dying and finishing industry are today running at 50-60 per cent capacity. Many companies are suffering from stagnation.?

He points out that Turkey has lost its strength in textiles due to increasing competition from China.

?/SPAN>Twenty years ago textile industry moved from Europe to Turkey and thus Turkey has become a global player. But today, textiles are moving China and other Asian countries. In the very near future, China may take Turkey? position.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">

According to Temiroglu, rather than compete with Chinese prices Turkey must produce more sophisticated products rather than basic products.

By Hasan Gulveren.