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Philippines: Textiles Sector Grows in Aug

Philippines: Textiles Sector Grows in Aug

Write: Kaspar [2011-05-20]

National Statistics Office of Philippines released the monthly integrated survey of selected industries August 2005.

Value of Production Index sustains double-digit growth in August 2005.

Value of Production Index (VaPI) for the manufacturing industry grew by 20.4 percent in August 2005 compared with a year-ago figure, according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI).

Sectors observed to have boosted production were the following: petroleum products, chemical products, furniture and fixtures, textiles, non-metallic mineral products, tobacco, food manufacturing, fabricated metal products and miscellaneous manufactures.

On a monthly basis, VaPI increased at a slower rate of 2.1 percent in August 2005 primarily due to the improved performances of publishing and printing and textiles sectors.

Volume of Production Index (VoPI) posts highest growth in eight months
In August 2005, Volume of Production Index (VoPI) on a year-on-year basis climbed by 7.3 percent. Thirteen (13) of the 20 major sectors reported increases in factory output, with double-digit growth observed in the following: chemical products, furniture and fixtures, textiles, fabricated metal products, petroleum products, food manufacturing, non-metallic mineral products, footwear and wearing apparel and tobacco.

On a month-on-month comparison, VoPI also reflected an increment of 2.1 percent in August 2005.Double-digit increments were reported in two (2) sectors, namely: textiles and publishing and printing.

Value of Net Sales continues to rise
Value of Net Sales in August 2005 continued to pick up at 13.9 percent on a year-on-year basis. Thirteen (13) sectors that reported significant expansion in sales were the following: tobacco, furniture and fixtures, publishing and printing, fabricated metal products, petroleum products, non-metallic mineral products, basic metals, leather products, chemical products, rubber products, food manufacturing, electrical machinery and footwear and wearing apparel.

On a month-on-month basis, Value of Net Sales recovered with a 2.8 percent growth in August 2005 from its (revised) 1.7 percent drop in July 2005. Significant increases were noted in the following sectors: textiles, fabricated metal products, footwear and wearing apparel and tobacco.

Volume of Net Sales jumps
On a yearly basis, Net Sales Volume stepped up by 3.8 percent in August 2005 compared to the previous month?s (revised) decrease of 3.5 percent. Major sectors that contributed to the growth were furniture and fixtures, tobacco, fabricated metal products, publishing and printing, footwear and wearing apparel, non-metallic metal products, rubber products and transport equipment.

On a monthly basis, Volume of Net Sales rose to 2.4 percent in August 2005. Sectors that reported large demands were textiles, fabricated metal products, footwear and wearing apparel and tobacco.

Producer's Price Index (PPI) continues its uptrend
Producer's Price Index (PPI) for manufacturing in August 2005 accelerated by 12.2 percent compared to its year-ago figure. This was brought about by the two-digit price increases in the following sectors: petroleum products, machinery excluding electrical, electrical machinery, basic metals and publishing and printing.