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Indian Ambassador Says Ties with Uzbekistan Have Great Future

Indian Ambassador Says Ties with Uzbekistan Have Great Future

Write: Osric [2011-05-20]

Indian Ambassador to Uzbekistan Skand Ranjan Tayal said in interview to Jahon news agency that the relations between Uzbekistan and Russia have great future.

"We have a task of adding great economic and commercial content to the established level of political relations. India and Uzbekistan know what terrorism is not by hearsay. We have established a joint working group to fight terrorism, which has been conducting a very important and necessary task," envoy said.

Speaking about state of and prospects for Uzbek-Indian economic cooperation, Tayal said it has been actively developing each year. "However it has not reached the desired level yet. The leaders of both countries called for vigorous efforts to expand trade and investment cooperation."

Indian ambassador said: "An important mechanism in achieving this is the intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation, the sixth session of which was held at the beginning of March this year. Very important decisions were made on studying the possibilities of cooperation in new areas."

The commission decided to create an oil-and-gas industry joint working group to study possibilities of cooperation between Gas Authority of India Limited, the committee on oil and natural gas and Uzbekneftgas national oil company, he said.

"A session of a joint working committee for supporting small and private entrepreneurship has been held in Delhi. It is expected that a specific program in this sphere will be worked out very soon. Another important sphere that India and Uzbekistan decided to cooperate in is geology and mining. Your country is reach in mineral resources and our companies can help Uzbek partners to extract and sell these resources on a mutually beneficial basis."

Negotiations on creating joint ventures in the textile and silk industries and pharmaceutics are under way between our companies. It is also necessary to expand relations in technology exchange and training staff in spheres such as science, technology, agriculture and information technologies, he said.

Important documents aimed at expanding bilateral cooperation are being discussed now. "We hope that the forthcoming meeting of the leaders of the two countries in Tashkent will accelerate the process of signing these documents," Tayal added.