On the morning of June 25, Mr.Tian Minyu, director of the China Sewing Machinery Association and vice director Mrs. He Ye arrived in Taizhou city for an investigation on the development of the industry of sewing machinery of China. Feiyue Group is their first stop.
After listening to the report made by Mr. Qiu Jibao, president of Feiyue Group on the subject of how Feiyue Group's dealing with the current macroeconomic problem through innovative measures, Tian Minyu said Feiyue as the vanguard of the sewing machinery industry of China had played an important role in promoting the prosperity and development of the industry.
Under the current difficult situation to the whole industry of China, performance of key enterprises including Feiyue Group would directly affect the confidence and future development of other companies in the same industry.
It was good that Feiyue remained positive, optimistic and self-confident under the difficult situation and it had taken effective measures to overcome problems, positively turn pressure to driving force that would encourage and lead other manufacturers to get rid of difficulties in short time.
Tian hoped Feiyue would seize opportunities to overcome all problems and achieve development at a new high and continue to play a vanguard role in the whole industry under the current transition period of adjustment for the entire industry.
source: fibre2fashion.com