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"Surviving the Perfect Storm"

"Surviving the Perfect Storm"

Write: Guido [2011-05-20]

Prime Source Forum, an APLF event held concurrently with the Materials, Manufacturing & Technology (MM&T) and Fashion Access (FA) exhibitions, is the annual meeting of the global apparel industry. It is a prime source of information on the state of this multi -billion dollar industry. That is the opinion of senior executives who attended previous Forums.

Why a Forum?
Because this annual meeting is based on the Fora [meetings] held by the ancient Greeks and Romans where the citizens who attended had the opportunity to air their views, ask questions and look for solutions.

A Keynote address by a leading personality from the Industry sets the scene at the beginning of the meeting - William Fung last year and tomorrow Nicholas Kwan, head of Standard Chartered Bank's research division in Asia, who most appropriately considering the present financial crisis, will air his views in a speech entitled "Surviving the Perfect Storm". This is followed by eight sessions, each one with five or six specialists in the subject matter, who will deal briefly with major topical issues before the session is opened for debate by the all the delegates.

Why in Hong Kong?
Because even in today's changing world, Hong Kong is still the epicentre of apparel sourcing - it is home to the largest number of buying offices in the world and it is the gateway to mainland China, of today still the largest manufacturer of apparel. It also provides a neutral platform for discussion.

Why participate?
Because in three days it is possible to meet and greet suppliers and competitors alike who are willing to discuss issues of mutual concern, in an atmosphere conducive to openness and transparency rarely found in the world of business. The first day is devoted to Workshops where experts outline new operational issues. The actual Forum takes place on the second and third day when, in addition to the formal sessions, there are ample opportunities to network at breakfast, coffee breaks, the lunches and the cocktail reception all held in close proximity to the Forum Theatre.

For further information, contact:

Josephine Ching
Forum and Conferences Manager
Prime Source Forum
D: +852 2516 2195 | F: +852 2827 7831 | E: josephineching@cmpasia.com
www.primesourceforum.com | www.aplf.com