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'Winner' as 'Well-known Trademark' - CTMO

'Winner' as 'Well-known Trademark' - CTMO

Write: Odessa [2011-05-20]
Winner Medical Group Inc, a leading manufacturer in the Chinese medical dressing industry (medical and wound care products), announced that the Trademark Office of the Chinese State Administration for Industry and Commerce has recognized "Winner" as a "Well-known Trademark".
The concept of a well-known mark was developed in the Paris Convention to provide owners of marks, which were widely known in the marketplace, with a measure of protection against later registration of the same mark by others.
The TRIPS Agreement, or the "Agreement for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right", provides that the trademark owner of a well-known mark has the exclusive right to prevent third parties from using identical or similar marks in the scale of competing and non-competing goods or services, where by doing so would result in a likelihood of confusion.
According to the World Intellectual Property Organization's joint recommendation, its Member States are obliged to provide protection to well-known marks against conflicting designations. As a member of the World Trade Organization, Chinese trademark law, which follows the Paris Convention and TRIPS agreement, clearly provides for protection of well-known trademarks.
Mr. Jianquan Li, CEO of Winner Medical, remarked, "Over the past 18 years, our 'Winner' brand has been recognized as high quality, credible, and trustworthy among our customers, suppliers, industry peers, and various industry organizations. The recognition of 'Winner' as a well-known trademark is an honor granted by the Chinese government as an appreciation of our products and services.
It not only enhances our brand's popularity, but also provides legal protection on a global scale. We will fully utilize those advantages to intensify our efforts to market and promote the 'Winner' brand internationally. Also, in line with the Chinese government's reform and investment in the healthcare sector, we will focus on the expansion of the 'Winner' brand products in our Chinese domestic market."