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2009 China Keqiao Index of the Overall Price Index of Textile Summary

2009 China Keqiao Index of the Overall Price Index of Textile Summary

Write: Parkin [2011-05-20]

2009 China Textile City, the first market in the crisis recovery, the transaction quotes remained stable, prosperous market trade show, the overall upward trend of the market turnover. In 2009, Shaoxing County China Textile City Market Group achieved turnover of 70.8 billion yuan (including Qianqing raw materials market), an increase of 11.5%; markets of registered business households 19172 (Company 3626), the new 1763, an increase of 10.1%. According to China's textile Keqiao index monitoring, the price index in the low end of the year after the end of the year through quickly rebounded from 20,090,105 price index closed at 91.60 points, to close at 93.16 to 20,091,228, up 2.56 points, an increase of 2.79%, the overall showed a positive trend towards a good run.

First, Brief introduction of 2009 price index for the operation

2009 price index showing a bottoming out of the process, from the beginning of the bleak viewing and light opening, and then within the textile city in March from the market began to rebound driven by the domestic market recovery, and gradually form a combined bi-driven prosperity within and outside the scene, followed by appears pale in summer the city of shock adjustments, the last textile city market power of the collective transactions made rapid increases in the prosperity of reproduction in 2007. Price index occurred in 2009 in the 20,090,302 low 90.05 points, at 20,091,228 history occurred in 2009 the highest point of 93.16 points, up 3.11 points. From specific trend analysis, the price index is mainly through the following five major processes:

(Figure 1: Keqiao Textile Index 2009 annual price index charts)

1. Yao City in winter spring opened, the price index of all the way down. After the New Year holiday in 2009, China Textile City, Yao City winter, spot prices lower, with a dramatic drop in market transactions. February 23 to March 1, affected by the crisis, textile city of merchants in each market intervention is limited, lack of cash transactions, orders to send some shrinkage. Has been since early January, the price index of all the way down to early March has dropped to the lowest point of the year, 20,090,302 price index closed at 90.05 points, down 5.21% year on year.

2. Spring City, good show, the price index of shocks on the move. Since early March to the end of May, the price volatility index showed upward trends, Shaoxing County, to carry out a variety of series of activities, in order to build a platform to expand textile city of traders, and many families benefit from the textile city of business, driving prices upward shocks to 20,090,525 price index closed at 91.79 points, up 1.74 points.

3. Summer decline in a falling market, prices shocks. From early June until early August, the price index was down trend shocks to 20,090,803 price index closed at 90.92 points, down 0.87 points. Textile city market for low-end products still occupy a certain share of the mass material prices have squeezed; by the end of June to early August, textile city market entry stage of the summer routine off-season, summer fabrics in order to cut prices to sell more stock mainly due to counterpart merchants diminishes daily turnover fell, causing the price index shocks retraction.

4. Autumn market turnover shock rebound, the price index of daily boost. From mid-August to early November, the price index showed a rebound trend shocks to 20,091,109 price index closed at 91.91 points, up 0.99 points. Autumn market turnover shock rebound, innovation and value-added fabrics fancy upgrading of heavy volume traded was rising day by day the trend. A result of 2009 China International Textile Keqiao Fair (autumn) the opening of their counterparts in the North-South and merchants were the increase in the market to subscribe to early November due to demand to support an incremental market transactions for several days.

5. Winter city price index quick upward, gentle afternoon rally. November 30 to December 7 showed rapid upward trend in price indices, to 20,091,207 price index closed at 93.05 points, up 1.14 points. In early December to the end of December, the spot market due to an increase in winter products, competitive sales of relatively more homogeneous product, the price index gains moderate. To 20,091,228 price index closed at its highest 93.16 points throughout the year, up 0.11 points.

Second, 2009 price index fluctuation Analysis

1. End of the market turnover decreased index Zoudie end of the year
After the New Year holiday in 2009 from the Lunar New Year holiday is less than two weeks, China Textile City, the professional marketing, Yao City has entered a phase of the winter, the mass spot price is still slightly lower, thicker part of the winter-type fabric spot price is still low priority sold mainly as a whole continued to show declining trend in market transactions. To 2009 on the eve of Lunar New Year holiday, China Textile City, the professional market, small business outlets off the phenomenon as early as the late start of the increasing part of the winter stock sell-off is completed, cleared payment owed by the business closed family is ready to go out of business, a number of outstanding credit operations households are still carrying inventory, pay close attention to closing, square accounts, credit money is payment of a debt being. The fabric part of the winter, the spot market, traders are still welcome their counterparts in mop-up of the subscription, spot prices are still lower on the general public; separate ways with the daily return of the North-South merchants to leave the last few days showed a dramatic drop in turnover trend.

2. Should boost the confidence crisis in the market rebound
A. "Textile industry restructuring and revitalization of planning" introduced, falling confidence to rebound. The State Council General Office on April 24, 2009 announced a "restructuring and revitalization of the textile industry planning", the textile sector in general shows confidence fell once again picked up. Confidence in the performance driven. Since 2009, Shaoxing County, introduced the "speed up the action plan to upgrade the textile industry cluster," and that the realization of "three centers," the principal means of specific objectives. The relevant functional departments in order to "marketing year" as the starting point to carry out a series of activities, good service, expanding the market for textile traders in the city a platform. Many textile city of traders, through this series of activities to further expand the sales market.

B. Matchmaking Symposium to attach fabric Textile City to win a higher market space. April 23 to 25, Keqiao Dongsheng Road of China Textile City market, sending 21 of the top manufacturers and distributors of the "big group" to carry the newly developed hundreds of new products, and Zhuzhou, Hunan Province City, hundreds of costumes and processing enterprises, businesses try to strong-strong joint, so that the surface Keqiao Accessories Supplying Lu Song. Following the trip to Hunan, the textile city construction management committee also set up a market investment squads which went to Sichuan, Kowloon Plaza, Hanzheng Street in Wuhan, Hubei, Guangdong Humen clothing market to inspect the local market demand for docking. "Going out" with the foreign markets docking, establish distribution points, these markets have all kinds of indirect possession of superior resources as their own, Matchmaking Symposium to make a higher attach fabric Textile City to win market space.

C. "Please come in," highlights the effectiveness of the obvious. Since 2009, textile city market in the investment process, always adhere to business tenants and buyers equal emphasis on investment and stay in business equal emphasis on domestic investment and foreign investment equal emphasis on principles. According to statistics, since 2009, has been, textile urban construction management committee has dispatched small teams of investment squad went to Jiangsu, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Liaoning and other fabrics market and industry clusters to conduct targeted investment, the newly introduced foreign wool textile enterprises in Shaoxing County, knitted fabric more than 150 companies to promote higher value-added listing of apparel fabrics. Since 2009, China Textile City, go through the paddle City, has been successful "incubator" wool fabrics and knitted fabrics market, the professional market, two new fabrics market.

Three, 2010 Prospect textile price index

New Year's Day 2010, after the China Textile City, the market traded more noticeable tremors wide pattern of partial turnover of shock to push up; with the ASEAN Free Trade Area of the fully operational, to undertake export orders will continue to grow, local clothing manufacturers in the spring apparel orders for traffic also a corresponding increase; due to external demand pull, the domestic market and further expansion of the relatively high value-added textile and foreign buyers to subscribe for further increase is expected in 2010, textile price index continued to show a certain level of shock in the rising trend.

1. Trade show marketing, the phenomenon of partial return to warm, innovative value-added products improved significantly. In January 2010, China Textile City Fabric Market clothing trade show marketing, temperature and partial return to the phenomenon of foreign garment manufacturers around the outside due to a single increase came to light textile city of group goods buyers has increased, the Middle East, India, Africa, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Latin America and other places of foreign stock market also went up the subscription and send the order. By 2010, spinning enterprises and textile city of Shaoxing textile companies are planning an international focus, by exploring the establishment of 'outside the window Keqiao headquarters + market' model, at home and abroad, especially in foreign markets or to open up two sub-display window, expand the Textile City of radiation range and marketing network, seek to establish in order to Keqiao as the center, radiating the world's leading international textile and textile center and business district, innovation and value-added products continues to rise, driven textile prices continue to climb.

2. Steadily expanding domestic market, docking activities are unlimited. 2010, steadily expanding domestic market, fabric research and development efforts to further increase; January mid-fabric garment enterprises in Shenzhen Keqiao docking event was successfully held in Shenzhen, Shaoxing County, 24 fabric companies for the first time more than 500 garment enterprises and the local "in-depth contact "; site, merchants on the 1200 models expressed intent Keqiao fabric requirements, 6 fabric 35 fabric companies signed on the spot. Docking event two weeks ago, the Shenzhen local hundred enterprises have docked with the activities of these participants to enter into trade Keqiao fabric, Promotion, Shenzhen, China Textile City Fabric Exhibition cum Women Receives successful, become a family business for Textile City the information platform for Chinese New Year lay a good foundation for future production and sales. Textile City market, some high-end textiles, through the docking activities to find suitable buyers, significantly enhance the value-added products, will promote the textile price index continues to climb.