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Health-care textiles doom to have a bright future

Health-care textiles doom to have a bright future

Write: Alwan [2011-05-20]

On 30th, May, China health-care textiles’ present condition and future development forum opened in Beijing. Heads from China National Textile and Apparel Council and China Health Care Association, experts from universities and representatives from health- care textiles enterprises attended this forum.

An emerging industry

Although we feel that health-care textiles don't connect closely with people’s daily life, this new industry has a great potential to develop.

In 2009, the total amount of health-care textiles consumption in China was 13.4 billion US dollars ranking second in the world. Even in economy crisis, it increased with a 20% annual growth. Health-care textiles shares 8% of all textiles. A large number of experts take it as the stimulus of textiles industry. It dooms to have a bright future.

The positioning of the health-care textile is that it is the 24 hours skin care textiles. Functional textiles enjoy health care function besides those common ones such as keeping warm and covering body.

The rapid development of health-care textiles is embodied by its second and third generation products. Back to 1990's, health- care textiles were popular. Far infrared ray textiles were the most popular products at that time. The third generation products mostly are based on traditional Chinese medicine, modern biology technique and textile technique with natural, eco-friendly and low carbon materials. Most products are thermal underwear and deodorant socks. Some experts think that product range can expand into other high tech and high value added areas such as medical treatment and sports.

It is expected that the health- care textile market will grow to 200 billion Yuan in 2015.