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The Exquisite Jewelry Carvings

The Exquisite Jewelry Carvings

Write: Vipin [2011-05-20]

An art exhibition of jewelry carvings themed “elaborate design and superb craftsmanship” which opened on April 29 had on display 197 pieces of exquisite jewelries. Each of the exquisitely crafted jewelry depicts scenes from Greek and Roman myths to Chinese legends and philosophies, from abstract illusions to tangible reality. The jewels are the perfect embodiments of the world’s civilization. And will last to June 27.

The jewelry carving is unique, because it merges the art of meticulous carving and jewelry designing. To create this kind of luxurious ornaments, the craftsmen usually adopt both the traditional Chinese jade-carving craft, and the modern metallurgy, inlaying and polishing techniques. The works of art on this exhibition are all designed by Mr. Chen Shiying, an internationally acclaimed Hong Kong jewelry designer.

The great earth has endowed humans with many rare jewels and precious stones. Since the beginning of history, men enjoy collecting different rare stones or other materials, and proudly turning them into ornaments and other wares. The gems, with its natural luster, are impregnated with the fine spirits of the universe. Therefore, people in ancient times have believed that beautiful jewelries will bring them heaven’s blessings. In modern years, people’s love for bijouterie is better fulfilled through the development of science and technology.

The Buddha in a Lotus Petal—an ornamental ware

The Buddhists honor the lotuses a lot. This is because although lotuses grow in mud, the flowers are not “polluted”. Also the petals are shaped of a water drop, so the gleaming jade in which the Buddha sits in is a perfect symbol of purity and perfection. In this design, the designer has shown encapsulated his ideal of getting rid of all the worries, and facing all the twists and turns of life in a disengaged manner.

The Baby Elephant and His Mother—a shoulder pin

This jewelry embodies the love between the parent and the kid. The baby elephant is playing by the river, with its mother looking after it.

The river bank is made of rough diamond, and the tiny drops around it resemble the glistening waters. The main part of the carving is made of Ti-gold. The Ti metal is difficult to be refined and is very light. At the same time, it is very hard. The easier way to make a Ti-gold jewelry is to use a reverse mould, but this piece of artwork is carved totally with a diamond cutter. This craft is rather complicated but the end result of the carving is smooth and lifelike.