12 May, 2010 - Holcim Ltd plans to invest $450m. in a new 1.6m. tpa cement plant near Tuban in eastern Java, Indonesia.
The facility is to be built by Holcim's subsidiary PT Holcim Indonesia which is the country's third largest cement maker. It is expected to start production in the first quarter 2013.
"The new plant will help to further optimise logistics costs and open up markets cost-efficiently in east Java, Kalimantan and the eastern islands of Indonesia," the company said.
Cement production is a number of industrial minerals, including: lime, silica sand, alumina, and iron oxide; as well as a variety of refractory minerals used in cement brick form to line kilns.
Holcim already owns a grinding station and three other cement plants in west and central Java, and the new project will further increase capacity in the country from 8.6m. tpa to 10.2m. tpa within the next three years.
"This investment will allow Holcim to keep up with the expected market growth," said the company as analysts predict a 7-10% rise in Indonesian cement demand this year on a positive outlook for Southeast Asia's largest economy, coupled with government stimulus plans.