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California Crop Weather report-July 20,2010

California Crop Weather report-July 20,2010

Write: Elbertina [2011-05-20]

The latest California Crop Weather report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service s Sacramento, Calif., Field Office:


The early part of the week of July 12 included normal temperatures. High temperatures were in the low to mid 90s in the Central Valley and the 80s in the mountains.

Marine influence was present along the coast as temperatures remained in the mid to upper 60s. Wednesday and Thursday marked the entrance of a high pressure ridge from the desert southwest.

Temperatures warmed to above normal levels Thursday. Highs were 100-107 degrees in the Central Valley including 107 in Redding on Friday. The high temperature for California was 125 degrees Sunday in Death Valley. The only significant weather feature was a thunderstorm in the San Diego region.

Field crops

Rice fields continued to progress and were treated with herbicides. Alfalfa was cut and baled for hay. Safflower fields bloomed and formed seed heads in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV).

Lygus treatments continued in cotton fields. Corn silage was harvested in Southern California. Forages and other small grains were harvested for hay and silage. Wheat, oat, rye, and barley harvests continued.

Garbanzo bean fields dried down. Harvested small grain fields were disked. Field operations included irrigation; spraying fertilizer, herbicides, and insecticides; planting; and cultivation.

Fruit crops

The blueberry, blackberry, and strawberry harvests were near completion in the SJV. The apricot harvest slowed while peaches and nectarines were picked.

The Navel orange harvest was completed as the Valencia orange harvest continued in the Central Valley and along the southern coast. Lemons were picked along the coastal region.

The fig harvest was continued at a normal pace. Pruning began in cherry orchards. As the SJV grape harvest began, leaves and bunches were thinned in vineyards to increase light exposure for color and maturity. Cool temperatures slowed grape development in Napa County vineyards.

Maintenance in orchards, groves, and vineyards continued with pruning and the spraying of fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides. Irrigation frequency increased as temperatures rose statewide.

Nut crops

Early hull split sprays continued in almond orchards to control the navel orangeworm. Irrigation continued. Mite levels increased slightly in orchards which caused some growers to plan additional miticide sprays.

Herbicide applications along with codling moth sprays were made in walnut orchards. Weed control was ongoing in nut orchards in the Central Valley.

Vegetable crops

The summer vegetable harvest continued across California. In Tulare County, the harvest included peppers, squash, eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, and sweet corn. Fields of bell pepper, cantaloupe, honeydew, and tomatoes were planted in Merced County. Harvests continued for squash, tomato, and parsley.

In Kern County, carrots, onions, garlic, and potatoes were harvested. The tomato crop is about a week behind in growth in San Joaquin and Fresno counties. In Fresno County, the onion harvest continued with good quality and yield reported. Garlic was readied for harvest.

Some fields of bell peppers and fresh market tomatoes were harvested while others bloomed and showed color. Irrigation and sulfur were applied in processing tomato fields. White powder was dusted onto the crop to prevent sunburn. Carrots progressed well.

Leafy vegetables including collards and mustard greens, turnips, and lettuce were harvested. Eggplant, daikon, green onions, herbs, lemon grass, spinach, squash, sweet corn, and tomatillos were also harvested.

Growers transplanted and seeded cucumber, eggplant, and squash. Cantaloupes were prepared for peak harvest. In Sutter County, field work and ground preparation continued.