China's Rice Consumption Up On Year
Avara [2011-05-20]
Local media reports in China have quoted official sources in China's National Grain and Oil Information Center as saying that the country's domestic consumption of unmilled rice in the crop year that began Oct. 1 will rise 2.2% to 188.7 million MT compared with an estimate of actual consumption last year.
China's total per capita annual grain consumption is forecast at 395 kilograms for calendar year 2020, up from 389 kilograms in 2010
China's area under rice has shrunk to around 29.9 million hectares from 33 million hectares in the last two decades, but yield has increased to 6.5 tons/hectare from 5.72 tons/hectare. However China's population is growing by around 6.5 million people each year and this is pushing up total rice consumption.