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Thai Rice Price Surges to Ninth-Month High on Year-End Demand

Thai Rice Price Surges to Ninth-Month High on Year-End Demand

Write: Maia [2011-05-20]

Thai rice prices, the benchmark for Asia, rose 2.9 percent to the highest level in nine months because of increased year-end demand, the Thai Rice Exporters Association said.

The price of 100 percent grade-B white rice rose to $567 a metric ton from $551 the previous week, said Pisanu Sangyoo, an official at the association. The price of 25 percent broken rice increased to $489 a ton from $480, Pisanu said.

The nation s rice output may fall below its previous estimate as the worst floods in five decades devastated crops, supporting prices of Asia s staple food, Theera Wongsamut, Agriculture and Cooperatives minister said on Nov. 24.